Mental Health Workforce March 2015 Known ESR workforce England Headcount = 111,663 South West = 9,752 England WTE = 101,679 South West = 8,594 Skills for Care NMDS England Headcount = 2,582 England WTE = 1,924 1
Mental Health Workforce South West by Staff Group % 2
FTE Consultant Psychiatrists per 100,000 HENE – 11.6 FTE HENWL – 10.7 FTE HENCL – 10.4 FTE HESL – 10.1 FTE HEW – 8.7 FTE HETV – 8.1 FTE HEEM – 7.8 FTE HENW – 7.4 FTE NEKSS – 7.4 FTE HEWM FTE HEYH FTE HEEoE -6.2 FTE HESW – 5.9 FTE Average FTE 3
Mental Health Workforce Age Profile 4
Consultants (312) – 47 (16 %) are over 55 – 150 (48%) are aged 45 to 54 Registered Nurses (3,276) – 446 (13%) are over 55 – 1,304 (40%) are aged 45 to 54 – Average Retirement Age is 59 Clinical Psychologists (629) – 78 (13%) are over 55 – 168 (27%) are aged 45 to 54 – Average Retirement Age is 61 5
Health Education South West Mental Health and Learning Disability Commissions Mental Health Nursing 6 N.B. Bournemouth University (BU) notified annual intake (NAI) numbers for 2011/12 and 2012/13 include numbers commissioned for Dorset. Bournemouth University numbers from 2013/14 onwards are for the South West LETB only ** Data not currently available 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 University 2015 Contract Baselines NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 Plymouth University %706816% %80784%87tbcn/a University of the West of England % % % %126tbcn/a Bournemouth University 46 44**4643**17 10 **2019**22tbcn/a Totals tbcn/a
Health Education South West Mental Health and Learning Disability Commissions Learning Disabilities Nursing 7 N.B. Notified annual intake (NAI) numbers for 2011/12 and 2012/13 include places commissioned for Dorset. NAIs from 2013/14 onwards are for the South West LETB only 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 University 2015 Contract Baselines NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 NAIStarters Attrition as at 31/03/15 University of the West of England %3527-4%302623%30 3%30tbcn/a
HEE has been mandated by the Department of Health to: ‘Continues to play its part in fulfilling pre-existing public commitments including Transforming care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital, the Winterbourne View Concordat and Positive and Proactive Care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions. The Concordat sets out that HEE will work with the Department of Health, providers, clinical leaders, and other partners to improve the skills and capability of the workforce to respond to the needs of people with learning disabilities and challenging behavior. HEE will also work with partners to encourage and promote access to programmes of education and training which support the aims and objectives of the Positive and Safe programme.’ HEE’s Mandate
HEE has been mandated by the Department of Health to: ‘ensure that the Tier 1 tools and training opportunities are available so that all staff that look after people with dementia will go through a dementia awareness programme.’ ‘continue to work with higher education providers and regulators to ensure that newly qualified staff who look after patients with dementia receive Tier 1 dementia training.’ ‘develop training programmes setting out the required training needs to support staff to diagnose, where clinically possible, early symptoms of dementia.’ HEE’s Mandate