Hadith Session 6 Ramzan Shahid
Hadith “To wash the hands and the mouth before and after a meal is a source of barakah.”
Hadith “When anyone of you intends to eat, he should take the name of Allah (SWT) by saying Bismillah. And when you finish the meal, you should end by thanking Allah (SWT) by saying Alhumdulillah.”
Hadith “Allah (SWT) is pleased with the act of a servant who, when he eats anything, praises and gives thanks to Him, and when he drinks anything, praises and gives thanks to Him.”
Hadith “The Shaitan makes the meal legitimate for himself and shares the meal over which Allah’s (SWT) name has not been taken.”
Hadith “When a person takes Allah’s name when he begins to eat, the Shaitan says to his companions, Let us go away from here. On the contrary when a person does not take Allah’s name at the time of eating, the Shaitan says to his companions, Come this is with food for us and the place for us to spend the night.”
Hadith “Say Bismillah before beginning to eat, eat with the right hand, and eat from the part of the dish that is in front of you.”
Hadith “When anyone one you eats, he should eat with the right hand, and when anyone of you drinks, he should drink with the right hand.”
Hadith “No one of you should eat or drink with the left hand for it is the way of Shaitan – he eats and drinks with the left hand.”
Hadith Some companions said to the Prophet (SAW) “Our condition is that we eat, but do not feel satisfied after a meal.” “Perhaps you eat alone” said the Prophet (SAW). “Yes, we eat alone” they replied. The Prophet (SAW) said: “Sit down to the meal together, and take the name of Allah before beginning to eat. There will then be greater Barakah for you in the meal.”
Hadith “Eat from the sides of the dish, and do not put your hand in the middle for Barakah descends on the middle.”
Hadith Prophet (SAW) advised the companions to lick the fingers and clean the plate. He said: “You do not know in which particle of food the special effect of Barakah lies.”
Hadith “The Shaitan is alongside of you even while you are eating. So, if a morsel drops down from the hand of anyone at the time of eating, he should make it clean and eat it, and do not leave it for the Shaitan. Moreover, when he finishes, he should lick the fingers for he does not know what particle of food is full of Barakah.”
Hadith “Whoever eats from a vessel and makes it wholly clean, the vessel supplicates for forgiveness on his behalf.”
Hadith “I do not sit in a recumbent position or with my back resting on anything while taking my food.”
Hadith The Prophet (SAW) never found fault with food. If he liked anything, he ate it. And if he did not, he left it.
Hadith “Do not drink in one breath like a camel, but in 3 breaths.”
Hadith The Prophet (SAW) forbade drinking in the standing position.