SFT News 16 th June 2014
CERN/FC/5806/RA2 Return Coefficient Industrial return Austria Belgium Bulgaria Switzerland Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain Finland France United Kingdom Greece Hungary Israel Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Sweden Slovakia Supplies Target for 2013: 0.91 = well balanced, or an increase
Services CERN/FC/5806/RA3 Return Coefficient Industrial return Austria Belgium 0.34 Bulgaria 0.69 Switzerland Czech Republic Germany 0.08 Denmark Spain Finland France United Kingdom Greece Hungary Israel Italy Netherlands Norway Poland 0.36 Portugal Romania Serbia Sweden Slovakia = well balanced, or an increase
CERN/FC/5806/RA4 Industrial return for supplies, from the lowest return to the highest ReturnIndustrialReturn CoefficientreturnCoefficient Norway Denmark Slovakia Belgium United Kingdom Greece Romania Sweden Serbia Netherlands Finland Spain Austria Germany Israel Poland Bulgaria Italy Czech Republic Portugal Hungary France Switzerland
PPE – TC/TL 12 June 2014 (CD)5 The PPE Project: Review of CERN’s accounting policy towards Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) External Auditors recommended a review after their audit of the 2013 Financial Statement (CERN/3110, CERN/FC/5818); current CERN’s accounting policy – high recognition threshold – and no PPE register no recognition as assets and expensing many tangible items that are used longer than one reporting period understating the value of PPE and overstating expenses Diminishing the amount of net assets WHAT are PPE items? tangible items for the production or supply of goods and services, expected to be used more than one year. These are items acquired, controlled or given to CERN as in-kind. OBJECTIVES of the PPE Project higher conformity to IPSAS accounting standards recognition of more classes of PPE assets definition &introduction of a simplified PPE register traceability for asset management purposes, auditors, depreciation calculation and accounting. WHICH items should be part of the register? items with a high level of materiality (to be defined) The TEAM: Project leader: Catherine Poncet (FP) and one delegate per department (CD represents PH) WHY?
Schedule PPE – TC/TL 12 June 2014 (CD)6 Aug meetings stakeholders, identification and analysis per components; Dec analysis of data provided by stakeholders, analysis and acquisition of dedicated software, drafting of PPE accounting policy (definition, threshold per class of assets, use of aggregate items,..); Apr implementation of software, data consolidation, finalize PPE accounting policy; Aug assessment of valuation and calculation of depreciation, final meeting with stakeholders to finalize requirements; Dec preparation of 2015 financial statement regarding PPE and restatement of previous years, validate the process of assessment of residual and useful life.
Current (known) PH inventory ~ 4000 items are registered as PH in the inventory system (found.cern.ch)found.cern.ch) Make sure data is up-to-date (equipment transferred with people to other departments, retired owners, old stuff still declared as active items ?) Normalize: what do we register for the entire department, the description. Integrate more items in found.cern.ch or not? (Workshop machines & valuable tools? Laboratory instruments? Cars and bikes? Etc….) IN ADDITION PH-DT has an inventory of workshops’ machines and tools (workshops in bld 108, 162, 166, 155) DO YOU HAVE SOME SECRET INVENTORY? What need to be done … ASAP PPE – TC/TL 12 June 2014 (CD)7 1.Identification of PH groups/activities owning potential PPE equipment. 2.Meeting for the identification and analysis per components with Catherine & Catherine
Software is considered an asset Estimates can be obtained using the Ohloh project ROOT codebase 1,740,810 lines effort ~500 person years estimated cost $27,525,897 Geant4 codebase : 2,057,588 lines effort ~ 591 person years estimated cost $ 32, 458, 497 1/26/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 8