Please sit in your assigned seat. Take out your homework from last class (review packet). Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper.
miercoles tres ¿Cómo estás? Hace viento hoy. veinticinco cincuenta y siete la carpetalos marcadores
Announcement REMEMBER: our test is next class (FRIDAY). There will be tutoring after school TODAY AND tomorrow !
La Agenda Students will review for their unit 1 test.
1/8 A
¡JeopardÍA! WE will now play a game of jeopardy to review You will play in a team with your group. One person in each group will be “it”. The first correct answer from one of them wins. Everybody else will also participate. If none of the “it” people is correct, the most correct group wins. If you are loud or rude, you lose points. If the class is too loud, we will stop.
SecciÓn 3: Reading Practice Using secciÓn 3 on the front, answer these questions in English. Remain silent and work independently. Thursday, December 13 th Very well Winter Cold 7:00am
SecciÓn 4: Escuchando Sr. Connolly will play the clip twice. Answer questions 1-4 in English based on the clip. Hello. My name is Roberto. San Miguel San Salvador / La capital They just met.
SecciÓn 5: Escribiendo Now, write your own answer silently and independently. Try not looking at the other side (you won’t have notes during test!)
Review Packet Sr. Connolly will pass back a review packet answer sheet for you to use in correcting your work. If you have any questions, you may check with a neighbor, but remain quiet
Sr. Pelota Remember, throw underhanded Ask a question –¿CÓmo te llamas? –¿De dÓnde eres? – ¿CÓmo estÁs? –¿CuÁnDo Es TÚ CumpleaÑoS? –¿QuÉ tiempo hace hoy? –¿QuÉ hora es?