UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE EMISSION DATA REPORTING UNDER LRTAP Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections: Oct. 2004, Pallanza EMISSION DATA REPORTING UNDER LRTAP Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections: Oct. 2004, Pallanza Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Intergovernmental bodies, expert groups and scientific centres under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Framework for emission reporting under the LRTAP Convention Convention and its Protocols Executive Body decision 2002/10 Emission Reporting Guidelines Templates and nomenclatures EMEP Work-plan Compliance checking Review of data / quality control. Framework for emission reporting under the LRTAP Convention Convention and its Protocols Executive Body decision 2002/10 Emission Reporting Guidelines Templates and nomenclatures EMEP Work-plan Compliance checking Review of data / quality control. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Parties are obligated to report emissions under the Convention and its Protocols Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE EB Decision 2002/10 ties the legal obligations to the Emission Reporting Guidelines Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Emission Reporting Guidelines set out scope, substances, reporting years and source categories (NFRs) Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE MSC-West prepares templates for reporting national emission totals and sectoral data according to NFRs Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Submission of Emission Data Data submitted to Convention Secretariat (15 Feb deadline) Secretariat records submission for timeliness, comprehensiveness and contact information TFEIP, through expert panels and scientific centres, reviews data quality, harmonizes methodologies and refines procedures. Submission of Emission Data Data submitted to Convention Secretariat (15 Feb deadline) Secretariat records submission for timeliness, comprehensiveness and contact information TFEIP, through expert panels and scientific centres, reviews data quality, harmonizes methodologies and refines procedures. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Compliance issues under the LRTAP Convention The Implementation Committee looks at emission reporting and underlying obligations per Protocol (emission reductions indicated by reporting); Compliance based increasingly on data quality (timeliness, completeness and accuracy); IC is thus interested in TFEIP Review. Compliance issues under the LRTAP Convention The Implementation Committee looks at emission reporting and underlying obligations per Protocol (emission reductions indicated by reporting); Compliance based increasingly on data quality (timeliness, completeness and accuracy); IC is thus interested in TFEIP Review. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
EMEP work-plan sets out the mandate and activities for each year Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Brinda Wachs Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Draft Work-plan EMISSIONS Description/objectives: Further develop the EMEP emission inventory, based on data submitted by Parties, improve the quality, transparency, consistency, completeness ad comparability of reporting emission and projection data, support the review of compliance, and assist parties to fulfil their reporting tasks. Draft Work-plan EMISSIONS Description/objectives: Further develop the EMEP emission inventory, based on data submitted by Parties, improve the quality, transparency, consistency, completeness ad comparability of reporting emission and projection data, support the review of compliance, and assist parties to fulfil their reporting tasks. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS TFEIP, with assistance from centres and in cooperation EIONET, will provide a technical forum and expert network to: share information, harmonize emission factors, establish methodologies for the evaluation of emission data and projections, and identify and resolve problems related to reporting. Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS TFEIP, with assistance from centres and in cooperation EIONET, will provide a technical forum and expert network to: share information, harmonize emission factors, establish methodologies for the evaluation of emission data and projections, and identify and resolve problems related to reporting. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule (a)TFEIP will work with Parties to improve the quality, consistency and completeness of emission reporting with a focus on validation and implementation of good practice; cooperate with EMEP centres, EEA and JRC to facilitate and ensure implementation of the inventory improvement programme; Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule (a)TFEIP will work with Parties to improve the quality, consistency and completeness of emission reporting with a focus on validation and implementation of good practice; cooperate with EMEP centres, EEA and JRC to facilitate and ensure implementation of the inventory improvement programme; UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued … continue to develop and promote the Atmospheric Inventory Guidebook, in collaboration with EEA and JRC; hold its 13 th meeting with EIONET in Milan and its 14 th meeting in spring 2005, with emphasis on data quality and inventory review, and its 15 th meeting with EIONET in Helsinki. Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued … continue to develop and promote the Atmospheric Inventory Guidebook, in collaboration with EEA and JRC; hold its 13 th meeting with EIONET in Milan and its 14 th meeting in spring 2005, with emphasis on data quality and inventory review, and its 15 th meeting with EIONET in Helsinki. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (b) Focus on review of reported emissionsof HMs, POPs, PM, identify actions to improve inventory … promote improvements in estimating and reporting PM, initiate discussions on methods and resource requirements for in-depth inventory reviews Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (b) Focus on review of reported emissionsof HMs, POPs, PM, identify actions to improve inventory … promote improvements in estimating and reporting PM, initiate discussions on methods and resource requirements for in-depth inventory reviews UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (c) By 15 Feb. 2005, or 1 Mar for gridded data, as requested by the secretariat and in accordance with the Emission Reporting Guidelines, Parties should submit 2003 emission data and projections and updates to data for earlier years … Draft Work-plan 2005, continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (c) By 15 Feb. 2005, or 1 Mar for gridded data, as requested by the secretariat and in accordance with the Emission Reporting Guidelines, Parties should submit 2003 emission data and projections and updates to data for earlier years … UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Draft Work-plan 2005 continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (d)MSC-W will compile reported emission data review data consistency, update inventory database, making it available on EMEP website, evaluate and quality control data to ensure the quality of gridded sector emissions. CIAM will support work on projections. MSC ‑ E and CCC will support work on HMs and POPs. CCC will support work on PM. Draft Work-plan 2005 continued 2.1 EMISSIONS Main activities and time schedule, continued (d)MSC-W will compile reported emission data review data consistency, update inventory database, making it available on EMEP website, evaluate and quality control data to ensure the quality of gridded sector emissions. CIAM will support work on projections. MSC ‑ E and CCC will support work on HMs and POPs. CCC will support work on PM. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
The EMEP Steering Body (Sept. 2004): Gave a clear mandate to further develop inventory improvement programme; Urged Parties to make further efforts to improve emission inventories; Approved note on data quality, asked for timing, methods and procedures for inventory review programme.. The EMEP Steering Body (Sept. 2004): Gave a clear mandate to further develop inventory improvement programme; Urged Parties to make further efforts to improve emission inventories; Approved note on data quality, asked for timing, methods and procedures for inventory review programme.. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
The Working Group on Strategies and Review (Sept. 2004): Recognized importance of inventory programme, encouraged TF and Parties to implement it; urged Parties to improve inventories; Noted differences between previous and revised Emission Reporting Guidelines, recommended memo items as short-term solution; Over long term, Guidelines should be revised (by 2007, at the latest).. The Working Group on Strategies and Review (Sept. 2004): Recognized importance of inventory programme, encouraged TF and Parties to implement it; urged Parties to improve inventories; Noted differences between previous and revised Emission Reporting Guidelines, recommended memo items as short-term solution; Over long term, Guidelines should be revised (by 2007, at the latest).. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Both the EMEP SB and WGSR: Considered the document on the difference between the old guidelines and the new (EB.AIR/GE.1/2004/8); EMEP SB: Invited the secretariat to adjust the reporting templates, adding new memo items, so that differences were traceable; WGSR: Noted differences, agreed these were partly addressed by TF, but were outstanding issues related to national territory, transport, and fuels.. Both the EMEP SB and WGSR: Considered the document on the difference between the old guidelines and the new (EB.AIR/GE.1/2004/8); EMEP SB: Invited the secretariat to adjust the reporting templates, adding new memo items, so that differences were traceable; WGSR: Noted differences, agreed these were partly addressed by TF, but were outstanding issues related to national territory, transport, and fuels.. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
What’s up next? Secretariat letter Nov to Designated Emission Experts to initiate 2005 Reporting Round! 15 Feb (deadline for 2003 data)! Experts should run REPDAB first, before submitting data to secretariat! Resubmissions must be sent by 10 March to be included in EMEP database! June panel meeting will review results! What’s up next? Secretariat letter Nov to Designated Emission Experts to initiate 2005 Reporting Round! 15 Feb (deadline for 2003 data)! Experts should run REPDAB first, before submitting data to secretariat! Resubmissions must be sent by 10 March to be included in EMEP database! June panel meeting will review results!