Strategic report. Progres Edite Evere Strategic Planning Division EU Funds Strategy Department
Strategic report Progress made in preparation and time frame Member State –Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 Article and EC –Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 Article and 30.3 Experience in the framework of Cohesion policy occurring for the first time
Strategic report Progress made in preparation and time frame : Information inquiry sent to institutions involved in EU Funds management : Information received in the Managing Authority, structure of the report developed : Evaluation working group meeting (indicators) : Information review, clarification, drafting of the report, meetings : MC written procedure : Sending the report to the EC
Strategic report. Indicators Imants Tiesnieks EU Funds Strategy Department
Reasons for a review of indicators 1.The indicators used in the programmes do not fully demonstrate the impact of funds in a broader sense. 2.The current targets of the macroeconomic and impact indicators are not achievable/valid 3.Requests to demonstrate the efforts for the economic stabilisation 4.Ensuring a link between strategic objectives and the result indicators 5.Transposition of the EC Core indicators: commentary of by the EC on the recent developments of SFC (to be discussed when possible)
1.Broader impact of funds needs to be presented Definition – impact indicators refer to the consequences of the programme beyond the immediate effects. In the programmes at present: 1.Only selected priorities/measures have impact indicators For example, education, entrepreneurship, transport, environment 2.More quantitative impact is demonstrated, less quality change For example, number of Phd’s is mentioned, not their competitiveness On transport priority, the impact could be also represented by the number of traffic accidents 3.It is possible also to interpret the current indicators broader
2. Macroeconomic indicators and the economic crisis Macroeconomic indicators: – GDP and employment forecasts are outdated The limits of the use of Macroeconomic indicators –Significant structural transformations of the economy and uncertainty about the development of the baseline forecasts –Macroeconomic forecasting is based on broad economic categories and larger sectors, not taking into account the content of the programmes
Proposals on additional indicators 1.The elaboration of impact indicators: 1.1. Ministries to design 1-3 indicators for each sector, according to: Financial relevance: Indicators are chosen primarily according to the financial size of the programmes Thematic relevance: a) Providing better coverage of measures b) Including indicators for innovative measures, pilot projects and indicators for decision taking 1.2. Type of indicators: both quantitative and qualitative change is important when aiming at objective, i.e., various analytical comparisons
Design of impact indicators by sector SectorNumber of indicatorsPrepared by ministry 1. Education3IZM 2. Science2IZM 3. Employment and soc. inclusion 2EM, LM 4. Health2VM 5. Entrepreneurship and innovation 3*EM 6. Energy2EM 7.Environment3**VidM 8. Transport and ICT3**SM, RAPLM 9.Urban issues2RAPLM 10. Management of SF1FM Total23 * Thematic importance, innovative measures,** financially large, max 3 indicators
Proposals on additional indicators 2. Macroeconomic indicators: – MoF will prepare a proposal on update of macroeconomic indicators
Timeframe 1.Ministries are submitting indicators to the Ministry of Finance until October 23, 2. Discussions and agreement on the list of indicators on October 28, Indicators are included in the Strategic Report
Guidelines on the use of indicators DG Regional policy, Indicative Guidelines on Evaluation Methods: Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators, Working Doc.No.2, 2006 Evalsed manual evalsed/guide/methods_techniques/indicators/index_en.htm