HLAB meeting paper 2011/1/18 T.Gogami CLAS ( CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer ) Clam shell is open
In this article CLAS g11a data set (5/7/2004 – 7/29/2004) – γp → K + Λ differential cross section – Λ recoil polarization (P Λ )
Experimental setup
Tagger ΔE/E ≈ MAGNET photon electron [GeV] gravity 6.06 [m] E-plane (384) T-plane (61) 4mm thickness 20mm thickness σ time ≈ 110 [ps] ( intrinsic resolution 2×10 -4 ) Radiator Gold foil (10 -4 rad. length ) The bremsstrahlung tagged photon beam in Hall B at JLab, D.I. Sober, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 440 (2000) 263}284
CLAS CLAS ( CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer )
Toroidal Magnet Superconducting toroidal magnet – Temperature : 4.4 [K] (Liquid He) – 1920 [A], 1.8 [T] ( Max : 3861[A], 3.5 [T] ) B B People
Toroidal Magnet Superconducting toroidal magnet – Temperature : 4.4 [K] (Liquid He) – 1920 [A], 1.8 [T] ( Max : 3861[A], 3.5 [T] ) B B Magnetic field in midplane between two coils
CLAS (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer) Target : Liquid H 2 (cylindrical Kapton chamber 40cm L × 4cm D ) Momentum resolution ~ 5×10 -3 Trigger – tagger × 2/6 ( Start × TOF ) DAQ rate ~ 5 [kHz] Tracking ~300 [μm] Timing (~80 – 160 [ps]) γp → K + Λ
Spec The CEBAF large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS), B.A. Mecking, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 503 (2003) 513–553
DATA and EVENT selection Want to see “γp → K + Λ” – γp → K + pπ - ・・・ Tree track analysis – γp → K + p(π - ) ・・・ Two track analysis +28% of full set 1.Momentum, Energy correction 2.Loose cut – Missing mass, Invariant mass 3.Kinematic fit confidence level cut
Confidence level cut Λ Λ σ ~ 8 [MeV/c 2 ] Confidence level The effect of the confidence level cut is dramatic ! Missing mass
Background reduction Cut misidentified particles
Background reduction (2) 1.Given event “i” neighbors 3.Missing mass 4.Maximum likelihood fit – Gaussian signal (s) – linear background (b) 5.Quality factor weighted by (1-Q) All events Missing Mass √s = GeV bin
Other consideration Detector acceptance Extracting P Λ Normalization
Systematic Uncertainties
Mandelstam variables proton photon Kaon Lambda
Cross section Count Corrected Number of photons Target Binning width Acceptance
Cross section( イ ) Red : two track analysis Blue : three track analysis Error Statistic Acceptance
Cross section( ロ ) Red : two track analysis Blue : three track analysis Error Statistic Acceptance
Cross section( ハ ) Red : two track analysis Blue : three track analysis Error Statistic Acceptance
Agreement between the two analysis Agreement between the two analysis, Very little systematic offset Consistent within statistical and acceptance uncertainties
Weighted mean differential cross sections Weighted mean differential cross sections : i = 2,3 j = 2,3 ρ = 0.28 For kinematic points where only a two-track measurement exists, Cross section : its value Uncertainty : scaling by 1 + |μ| = 1.136
Cross section γp → K + Λ Red : CLAS Blue : previous CLAS Green : SAPHIR Measurement of p->K+ Λ and p->K+ Σ 0 at photon energies up to 2.6 GeV, K.H. Glander, arXiv:nucl-ex/ v1 26 Aug 2003 The γ p → K+ and γ p → K+0 reactions at forward angles with photon energies from 1.5 to 2.4 GeV, M. Sumihama, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 73, (2006) Measurement of the γ p → K+ reaction at backward angles, K. Hicks, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 76, (R) (2007) LEPS SAPHIR
Model comparison ( イ ) K-MAID (fit with SAPHIR) – K+,K*(892),K 1 (1270) RPR (fit with p CLAS) – K+ Regge trajectory, K* Regge trajectory – N(1650)S 11,N(1710)P 11, N(1720)P 13,N(1900)P 13, missing D 13 – Forward angle Bonn-Gatchina (fit with p CLAS) – Partial wave analysis
Model comparison ( ロ ) K-MAID (fit with SAPHIR) – K+,K*(892),K 1 (1270) RPR (fit with p CLAS) – K+ Regge trajectory, K* Regge trajectory – N(1650)S 11,N(1710)P 11, N(1720)P 13,N(1900)P 13, missing D 13 – Forward angle Bonn-Gatchina (fit with p CLAS) – Partial wave analysis
Model comparison ( ハ ) K-MAID (fit with SAPHIR) – K+,K*(892),K 1 (1270) RPR (fit with p CLAS) – K+ Regge trajectory, K* Regge trajectory – N(1650)S 11,N(1710)P 11, N(1720)P 13,N(1900)P 13, missing D 13 – Forward angle Bonn-Gatchina (fit with p CLAS) – Partial wave analysis
Start counters
Introduction (γp → K + Λ) γp → K + Λ – Polarization Pseudoscalar nature of the K+ Self-analyzing decay of the Λ – Isospin structure of the final state Allows coupling only to I=1/2 N* (not the I=3/2 Δ*)
PΛPΛ CLAS : Blue SAPHIR2004 : Green GRALL2007 : Black