Drawing and Painting Ms. Livoti to 11-20
Aim: How can you make a final foreshortened drawing? Do Now: Begin anatomy sketch Monday 11/16 HW: Choose two more sketchbooks from the Novemeber List, complete by Friday Today: Brainstorm final foreshortened figure pose, take reference photo. Create a 5 minute sketch that showcases your ability to use foreshortening.
Aim: How can you begin to draw your foreshortened figure on final copy paper? Do Now: Decide method of translating figure to paper- by eye, grid, or projection. Work on anatomy drawings while waiting. Tuesday HW: Choose two more sketchbooks from the Novemeber List, complete by Friday 11-20
Aim: What are watercolor techniques? Do Now: View watercolor demo and list 3 techniques you would like to use in your project. Decide on color choices you would like to use. Wednesday HW: Choose two more sketchbooks from the Novemeber List, complete by Friday 11-20
What is the watercolor process? Work from background to foreground Work from light to dark (leave lightest/highlighted areas white of paper until the very end!) Work from large, generalized shapes to smaller detailed shapes Use glazes/washes of color to increase dark values Let paper dry in between glazes (lessens the amount of paper warp) Use a variety of brushes- start with large round brush for washes/large shapes Use smaller brushes last for details- add line and very dark areas last
Watercolor techniques Washes Flat wash: First wet area of paper to be covered by the wash, then mixing sufficient pigment to easily fill the entire area. Graded wash: Slightly dilute pigment more water for each horizontal stroke. The result is a wash that fades out gradually and evenly Glazing – Thin, transparent pigment is applied over dry existing washes. Its purpose is to adjust the color and tone of the underlying wash. Be sure each layer is thoroughly dry before applying the next. Wet in Wet: Applying wet brush with pigment to wet paper Dry Brush: Heavily saturated brush with pigment with little water, adding pigment to dry paper Lifting Off: Lighten color by wetting brush and applying water to area of paper, then pressing down to remove color- or mask off areas to be left highlighted. Dropping In: Allowing pigment to blend by bleeding/feathering- dropping wet, saturated pigment to wet paper and not interrupting the bleeding process. Graded WashWet-Wet Dry BrushLift off Drop in
Experimental watercolor techniques Paint on wet paper Lift off wet color Use a palette knife and scrape away Apply salt, sand or starch Press an object onto wet paper like a leaf, doily, string Splatter Block out areas and make them glossy by using gloss medium first. Use glue to raise up a design, let it dry apply watercolor over it. Use watercolor and oil pastel to create a resist.
Aim: What is a Zentangle and how can you use it to transform your figure into line and pattern design? Do Now: Continue anatomy handout drawing Thursday 11/19 Next week Open studio Nov 23-25, using watercolor and zentangle methods to create and design within your final copy foreshortened figure. HW: Choose two more sketchbooks from the Novemeber List, complete by Friday 11-20
Gustav Klimt Uses color shape and patter to fill within his subject matter
Aim: How can you work in an open studio to apply techniques and details your figure drawing? Do Now: Continue anatomy handout drawing Friday Next week Open studio, using watercolor and zentangle methods to create and design within your final copy foreshortened figure. Work is due by Jan 23 for final grading for MP 2