Junior Focus Group 7 June 2011 Dianne Ogle
This afternoon… Feedback from Meeting one– what have you tried. What’s on top? Number Relationships Some activities to try. Update on What’s happening – ALiM, SMT Where to next.
Clear the Decks You need a pack of cards, picture cards removed. Decide on the target and discard any cards that are equal to or greater than the target number. Layout an array of cards face up so that the number of cards on show is one less than the target number. Play by clearing away any two cards that add to the target number. Replace the cards as soon as they are chosen. Aim is to clear the whole pack of cards. Read the number sentence as the cards are cleared away. An array if the target number is 6
Early Number relationships Spatial relationships: children can learn to recognise sets of objects in patterned arrangements and tell how many without counting.
One and two more, one and two less The two more than and two less than relationships involve more than just the ability to count on two or count back two. Children should know that 7, for example is 1 more than 6 and also 2 less than 9.
Anchors or “benchmarks” of 5 and 10 An understanding of ten is vital in our numeration system and because two fives make up 10, it is very useful to develop relationships for the numbers 1 to 10 to the important anchors of 5 and 10
Part – Part – Whole Relationships To conceptualize a number as being made up of two or more parts is the most important relationship that can be developed about numbers.
All about 8 What should children know about a number? Skills Relationships – spatial patterns -More than/less than -Anchors to five and ten If I know then I know…
Slavonic Abacus 10 lots of 10 – children are able to see all the ones in 100 at the same time using what they know about 5 Colours allow for children to look at the whole rather than counting each line Strive for children to chunk and count in lots of ten not ten, twenty, thirty Discuss how you use the slavonic abacus
Cuisenaire Rods Colour and size provide a way for children to learn patterns for numbers without having to count – each block is seen as a whole, not represented as ones Another way for children who are struggling to learn their number facts to remember them.
Unifix cubes Place Value application – another way to show tens and ones Number sandwiches/bonds up to 10 Patterning Facts to Ten – Cost, Cash, Change
Multilink Activities with Ten Cash, Cost, Change –”buy” items up to ten, shopkeeper gives change – facts to ten Subtraction Game – 2 chn, dice, multilink 1. First person rolls the dice, makes a tower equal to the number 2. Next person rolls the dice, makes tower 3. Compare numbers, person with the most keeps the difference Repeat dice rolling, building a tower with the difference until one player has a tower equal to ten. Think about how children could record what they are doing. Marilyn Holmes – National Numeracy Coordinator, Otago University
Numbers to 20 Independent Activity for a pair or group How could you modify this – write new questions in your group.