Energy Budgets of Flare/CME Events John Raymond, J.-Y. Li, A. Ciaravella, G. Holman, J. Lin Jiong Qiu will discuss the Magnetic Field Fundamental, but.


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Presentation transcript:

Energy Budgets of Flare/CME Events John Raymond, J.-Y. Li, A. Ciaravella, G. Holman, J. Lin Jiong Qiu will discuss the Magnetic Field Fundamental, but hard to determine Fragmentary Observations Hard to guess right theory Lin et al.

Energy Partition CME vs Flare Reconnection vs Lorentz force of expanding field Asymmetric reconnection; Upwards vs downwards Partition of flare energy energetic e- energetic p thermal energy kinetic energy Partition of CME energy kinetic / gravitational heat SEPs

Energy Partition CME vs Flare Reconnection vs Lorentz force of expanding field Asymmetric reconnection; Upwards vs downwards Partition of flare energy energetic e- energetic p thermal energy kinetic energy Partition of CME energy kinetic / gravitational heat SEPs

Unknown Energy Partition due to rapid conversion Particles rapidly heat chromosphere. Heat drives bulk flows. Shocks heat plasma and accelerate particles. Turbulence accelerates particles. Energetic particle beams generate turbulence. Shiota et al

Energy budgets for 2 large flares Emslie et al April July 2002 Magnetic 32.3   0.3 Flare Electrons 31.3   0.5 Protons <  0.5 Thermal > 5MK 30.8   0.7 Radiant 32.2   0.3 (100xGOES) CME Kinetic 32.3   0.3 Gravitational 30.7   0.3 SEPs 31.5  0.6 <30.0 ?

E FLARE = E CME ? Yashiro & Goplaswamy IAU 257 Slope > What fraction of L FLARE is in X-rays? 5-20% estimates Energy conducted to lower T L = 100 L X from 1 SORCE (Woods et al)

Transition Region Emission Particles heating chromosphere Conduction Evaporation 23 July 2002 (10 26 erg/s) L TR L X dE/dt L NT 00:22 UT : : : : : Raymond et al % Chromospheric or White Light 10% radiated in impulsive phase

CME mechanical energy vs Flare Acceleration correlated with derivative of X-ray emission Reconnection drives both? CME drives reconnection? Lorentz force  reconnection? Zhang et al.

Heating of CME Ejecta n, T and ionization at UVCS EUV absorption -> emission Ionization state at 1 AU Lee et al Filippov & Koutchmy Rakowski et al.

Heat Sources for CME Ejecta Thermal Conduction Wave heating as in fast solar wind Shocks as gas falls from top to bottom of flux rope (Filippov & Koutchmy) Energetic particles (Simnett?) Shocks from reconnection outflow (Shiota et al.) Magnetic dissipation (e.g. Kumar and Rust; Lynch et al MHD models)

Heating in 9 April 08 CME EIS, XRT, EUVI at 1.1 Rs Cool gas at 1.3x10 5 K requires erg/g or 40 times the mechanical energy. X-ray gas at 6x10 6 K is ~ 1/10 as large. UVCS, COR1 at 1.9 Rs An additional 4 – 7x10 14 erg/g is needed Thermal conduction doesn’t work for cool gas. Filippov & Koutchmy shocks don’t have enough energy. Waves require 1500xCH and line widths are narrow. Heat  n e or Heat  d(KE+GE)/dt works – Magnetic heating? Landi et al., in prep

SEPs vs Kinetic Energy Estimate solid angle to get total SEPs Should go to zero for slow CMEs Mewaldt et al.

EIT Waves Radiative losses 25% coronal brightening over 0.1 R S ring 1 R S in radius 4x10 25 erg/s for 2000 seconds gives erg modest fraction of flare energy more energy in UV or optical? Blast Wave? f R V erg/s : f ~ 1% Energy flux from dimming region? Dimming region wave flux goes into CME 10 6 erg/cm 2 s over 0.5 R S footprint = 4x10 27 ergs/s, or ergs McIntosh sees enhanced line widths Veronig et al

Questions Flare vs CME? Roughly equal in big events huge scatter reconnection vs MHD force acceleration vs d/dt of X-ray emission; cause or effect? ~1/2 of flux rope gas passes through CS -> V A ? Flare energetic particles dominate are they accelerated in current sheet? How? Shocks? even in small events? CME heating comparable to mechanical energy for all events? SEPs ~ 10% of Kinetic energy do they ever dominate?