Cindy Collins ETEC 665 The Proposal Budget The ABCs of Constructing A Budget
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Strategy Your Budget Is a Crucial Part of Your Project – Realistic Numbers May Make A Difference in the Scope of What You Are Proposing Plan Your Budget Early -- Never Wait Until the End of Your Proposal Preparation to Start Developing Your Budget
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Sources of Funding Granting Agency University/School (Match or Cost share) Cash or In- Kind 3rd Party Cash or In- Kind
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Categories Personnel Travel Operating Services Supplies Professional Services Other Acquisitions Facilities & Administration (Indirect Costs)
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Personnel Buy-Out with Grant Funds (should be calculated using actual salary figures) Reassigned Time (with pre-approval of administration) Summer Pay Overload/Additional Duties
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Personnel - Other Include fringe at the appropriate rate on all salaries paid with grant money. This does not apply for payments to students and non- employees. Check with Sponsored Research or your personnel office for appropriate rates.
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Travel Follow “State” Travel Regulations Mileage is Currently Reimbursed at $0.44/mile Budget for Both Field and Conference Travel (in Louisiana and/or Out of State)
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Operating Services Postage Printing/Copying Telephone Advertising Dues/Subscriptions Maintenance Rentals
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Supplies Program Supplies Office Supplies Software
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Professional Services Consultants Anyone Not Employed by your University/School
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Other Tuition Scholarships & Stipends Student Awards Non-Standard Items
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Acquisitions Equipment Check Guidelines for Limits
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 F & A Costs (Indirect Costs) Costs to the University/School Not Specifically Tied to Grant (for the administration of the grant) Real and Necessary Costs Rate Allowed Varies by Agency Must Include Maximum Allowable
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 F & A Costs (cont’d) For Example: Southeastern’s Federal Negotiated Rate = 44% of Salaries/Wages, Excluding Fringe State Rate Is Often 25% of Salaries/ Wages, Including Fringe Federal Rate Is Often 8% of Total Direct Cost Always Check Guidelines
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Routing, Approval, Submission Check with your University/School for the proper procedure. Because the award is made to the University/ School, not the individual, proposals must be approved prior to submission. Often there is a system of checks/ review so allow ample time for the routing to occur. Also verify submission procedures so that the proposal will be submitted timely.
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Budgeting the cost of the project is a critical activity. Begin this process early and contact your Sponsored Research office/school for instructions and assistance. Budget detail and accuracy and complete budget justification will facilitate the routing process and demonstrate a well-planned project to the sponsor.
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 While your budget can be only a projection in the proposal phase, do not figures or make your request ….. Reviewers are aware of what projects should cost and take the budget section seriously. inflate unrealistic
Cindy Collins ETEC 665 Use the budget and budget justification to tell the reviewers the rest of your story. Let them know that your project is well- planned and can be accomplished for the amount of money requested.