Draft 2 Marking
Audience At the top of your first page, handwrite your audience. EX:Audience: American voters
Main Ideas Box your thesis statement and topic sentences. – Thesis statement—does it clearly state your change, your concession, and your reasons why? If not, what is it missing? – Look at the location of the topic sentences—are they the first or second sentences in each paragraph? If not, they are in the wrong location. – Check counter argument and response topic sentences. Do they clearly clue the reader? – Read all boxed sentences together like it is a mini- paragraph. Think—does this give your reader an overview of your argument? Change anything as necessary/write notes for intended changes.
Main Ideas Label at least one example of ethos, logos, and pathos and EXPLAIN how you are trying to use that appeal Write a note on each page—can write more, but one per page is the minimum. Be brutally honest in these notes—honesty in no way affects grade but instead helps me know how to help you – “This paragraph sucks, I couldn’t think of what to say.” – “I love this example/transition/etc.” – “Can you help me reword this sentence?” – “I wrote this paragraph in 5 minutes. I know it needs major work.” – “I’m not sure if this example makes sense.” – “I think this is my best paragraph because I found great research.”
In your essay Mark if you need to highlight the quotes/paraphrases and their citations if you have colors on your Works Cited that are not in your paper, make not that you need to add in citations or delete from Works Cited Number your quotes as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 (you can stop there) Number your paraphrases as P1, P2, P3, and P4 (you can stop there) If you didn’t have 4 quotes and 4 paraphrases, make a note to add what you need
In your essay Look at the length. If you are not at 4-5 pages, make a note about how much you need to add/remove. Source balance—do you have at least 2 colors in each body paragraph? If not, write a note to add another source to that paragraph period goes after the parentheses with in-text citations (NOT before the last quotation mark) Label your counter argument paragraph Label your counter argument response paragraph
Special Words 1 st and 2 nd person language – circle any appearance of the following words unless they are part of a quote: I, me, my, we, our, you, your, us. These will need to be removed in your final draft. Vague/Inaccurate words – Circle the following words: stuff, things, good, bad, big, huge, very, lots. Replace with more specific terms. – Circle the following words: obvious, obviously, clearly. These will need to be removed/replaced in your final draft. (If it’s obvious, you shouldn’t be telling me it. If it isn’t obvious, don’t say it is.)
On your Works Cited… Mark if you need to add URLs Mark if you need to highlight sources You need two database sources. Make a note if you need to add them. You need a minimum of five sources. Mark if you don’t have them.
Self-Evaluation Grade on rubric where your TYPED draft falls—not changes made today – star the box, star the line in between if you think you’re half way – be honest and as objective as possible on where you think you currently fall