Annual report TC67/SC4/WG3 Wellhead and Xmass tree ISO10423 and API 6A WG Scope:standardisation of wellhead and xmass trees plus valves WG convenor :Ries Langereis WG secretary :Alfred Kruyer
WG 3 :ISO Work programme :worked on and issued the 4 th edition of ISO issue early 2010 Liaise with API SC6,ensure consensus between API 6A-20 th vs. and the planned 5 th version of ISO Liaise with AWHEM to resolve their comments and contributions for vs.5.
WG 3:ISO New work group formed during 2006 Balanced participation between manufacturers and users:Shell,BP,Total,N.Hydro,Vetco,FMC, Mokveld,Cameron During 2009 and 2010 many (in)formal meetings held,location an issue re participation,particularly for Americans
4 th version ISO issues API 6A 19 th vs has implemented NACE ISO 15156;vs 2004 New project group formed under Thierry Cassagne Total,Derek Milliams Shell of the ISO maintenance panel involved. The brief was :can API 6A 19 th vs re NACE implementation be incorporated in vs.4 ?? Main conclusion :No show stoppers ISO will than require more extensive marking re Temp.,Cl,pH and H2S limitations ASTM A 453,grade 660 is non acceptable for H2S, in particular for exposed bolts.
4 th version ISO issues Repair and Re-manufact.O.E.M. is incorporated into the ISO standard,not in API 6A due to legal reasons Macondo have convinced MMI,API SC6 that a repair standard is now required. Shell,BP,Statoil have reviewed current ISO standard and because of an OEM clause have concluded it is superior to API and other proposals. API SC6 had formed active Wg on the repair clause via Exxon Sterling Lewis and Gary Devlin-Cameron. New version proposed using OPD:original product definition.This proposal has been ballotted within API and approved –still valid?? ISO WG3 Have informally ballotted large users and they accepted viz.OEM –OPD to ensure unity-not really happy. API SC6 been informed that our WG3 accepts the new wording of OPD-version Current DIS contains OEM,however vs.4 now includes OPD
4 th Version ISO issues Castings and forgings issue,workgroup formed under Alfred Kruyer Background :API allows always castings,ISO instructs wrought products only used for PSL3,4.We must have consensus between ISO and API Report presented at Gouda dec.2006,presented in Houston at API Sc6 jan API in agreement with findings and now accepts ISO and a ballot would be held within SC6,this was done during back-adapt vs.4 ISO might reconsider current position on castings vs. forgings However will only react upon ballot results from SC6. NACE,ISO and ISO dealing with forgings only as it uses ISO as base document New workgroup formed API/ISO.under Sterling Lewis/Maarten Kuipers. Separate presentation of findings next week during SC6
4 th version ISO issues Another solution is to leave as is and await API SC20 to publish a RP for castings Another solution is :wrought products shall be used,however user and manufacturer may consider castings if … Last year 26 th june a WG3 meeting took place preceding the API meeting;a final position made forgings a requirement for PSL2 plus. Another API WG formed-awaiting results
4 th version ISO other issues AWHEMs wish list had been made and forwarded to Shell secretariat,now completely implemented Normative references have been updated and are part of the new Vs.4 Gas testing has been upgraded and approved within SC6,has been implemented in Vs.4 Verification vs.validation now implemented into Vs.4.
Other issues 4 th edition revision has been manageable,went straight into FDIS ISO subsea wellheads sister document.DIS ready and studied,different tolerances-sorted. Different hydrostatic test Contains a paint spec.
Pozgrip proposal received from Ben v Bilderbeek on perceived inadequacy of API annular seal tests,one versus 8 for tubing Wellheads needed to be as good as tubing No external loads in API tests API communication has made clear that standards are not for technical licensing
Pozgrip proposal /observations Annular seals are usually secondary Proposal only for metal/metal seals however 80% market is elastomers If there is such a big problem why have the major operators not come forward towards API/ISO?? API Sc6 will further communicate
Macondo Repercussions Informal meeting held in Shell and Nogepa;concluding ISO10423 is in good order,only question was on OEM vs OPD Is there a need for uniformity with other standards? Participated on numerous excellent initiatives e.g API 95
ISO wg 3-next meetings Preceeding SC6,there will not be a WG meeting Thursday 30 th.june API SC6 meeting Next Wg 3 meeting will depend on current events and ballots.
Post Macondo further Meeting with dutch MMS,together dealing with all N Sea regulators Return of OEM mentioned,explained OPD Verification-externally returning Need for always annular pressure monitoring Maintenance period to be prescriptive External examiners now being used