Room 101 Who would you like to put into Room 101? Whose near death experience was the least convincing? You need to argue your case – your teacher will decide who has been the most convincing.
Near Death and Out of Body Experiences Learning Objective: Do near death and out of body experiences prove the existence of an afterlife?
Are these experiences proof of life after death? Arguments For E.g. People have had similar experiences from different religions and cultures. Arguments Against E.g. When the brain is in a stressful situation it can produce chemicals that can create extreme situations.
Improve an exam answer How valid are out of body and near death experiences as proof of continued existence after death? (6 marks) People claim that they have had out of body experiences when they were in operating rooms. These accounts often talk about hearing conversations that have actually taken place, even though the patient was unconscious. Near death experiences often talk of going towards a bright light. But all we have are accounts of people in very extreme situations and we don’t know how their bodies are relating to the medications, so why should we pay attention to what they have to say? What mark would you give this our of 6? What do they need to do to improve?
Exam Question ‘Near death experiences prove that there is life after death.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that your have thought of more than one point of view. (6 marks) What arguments and examples are you going to use in your PEELs?
Peer Marking Swap your answer with someone else. Read through their answer and give them a mark out of 6 and a target.