WHO/PEPFAR Collaboration to Scale up HIV Services at Primary Health Centers Chapter 6: Service Integration and Linkages Ana Bodipo-Memba, Stephen Lee, KJ Seung
Why integrate services? To expand coverage of comprehensive HIV services To reduce morbidity and mortality associated with HIV disease To improve quality To make service delivery more efficient and ultimately less expensive Client satisfaction
Chapter outline Continuum of HIV Care Definitions: Integration and Linkage Examples of Integration: –Integrating and linking HIV counseling and testing with HIV care and treatment: VCT, PITC –Integrating TB and HIV Services –Integrating or linking PMTCT with HIV care and treatment services –Integrating or linking with malaria services –PMTCT/MCH platform –Integrating Family Planning in PMTCT Programs
Community Linkages Community and home-based care services How to establish a linkage system Models of community and home based-care Supervision of community-based activities Clinical back up from the district hospital
Important next steps Further refining of chapter Case studies