The name of the nomads in the Arabian Peninsula: The Bedouins
The Holy Book of Islam is known as the: Qur’an (Koran)
The last great prophet according to Islamic tradition: Muhammad
The following three prophets were accepted as part of the Islamic belief from Jewish and Christian tradition: Abraham Moses Jesus
T or F: The Islamic faith is polytheistic. FALSE – There is but one true God.
T or F: Muslims tolerated Jews and Christians. TRUE
THE FIVE PILLARS OF FAITH: Profession of faith: “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet” Daily prayers Alms to the poor Fast during the month of Ramadan Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
A call for CRUSADES to regain the Holy Lands (9) Muslim conquest of lands in Syria and Palestine sparked this reaction from Christians: A call for CRUSADES to regain the Holy Lands (9)
T or F – The Muslim Empire preserved and extended ancient Greek learning. TRUE
T or F: The Muslim Empire slowed trade in the Mediterranean. False! Trade was accelerated!
Among the major differences between the Muslim sects of the Sunni and the Shi’a (Shiites) are: Differences over who should succeed Muhammad as caliph. Differences over the use and interpretation of the Qur’an.
T or F: While Islamic teachings discouraged slavery, the practice still remained widespread. TRUE
The Battle fought between the Muslims and the Franks in 732 in which the Muslims were conquered: Battle of Tours
With the growing size of the Islamic empire, the provinces were eventually divided into 3: CALIPHATES
The Muslims will retain control of this European country until the Re-conquest (Reconquista) by Ferdinand and Isabella in the late 1400s: Spain