Scientific Classification


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Classification Classification, taxonomy, taxonomic key

Observable Properties What is an observable property? Why is it important in scientific classification?

Classification Define living: Define non-living: Define once-living:

Examples Give 3 examples of living things: Give 3 examples of non-living things: Give 3 examples of once-living things:

Scientific Classification How are organisms classified scientifically? What are structural characteristics?

Scientific Tool Classification is a scientific tool It describes perceived patterns in nature.

Kingdoms What are the kingdoms of living things? List their characteristics 1- 1- 2- 2- 3- 3- 4- 4- 5- 5- 6-

Levels of Classification Do………………. Kings……King Play……...Phillip Chess…...Came On………Over Fine…….. For Green…...Great Silk?……...Spaghetti

Binomial Nomenclature Every organism that is classified has a scientific name. This name has two parts The first name is the name of the genus and is capitalized. The second name is the name of the species and is written in lower case. Acinonyx Jubatus Aconitum columbianum Artiodactyla suidae

Taxonomic Keys A taxonomic key is paired statements that give characteristics of an organism. You choose which statement applies to the organism you are trying to classify. You continue through the key by stating the characteristics. Once you have completed the steps, you arrive at the scientific name of the organism.

Taxonomic Key Practice Look at the salamander pictures on your table. Study the dichotomous key to find the name of your salamander Have everyone on your table find the name of a different salamander Include a description and a name of your salamander.