Are you using proper etiquette when writing teachers, colleges, and other professional offices? If not, your s may be deleted, not taken seriously and never reach the intended recipient. MANNERS
Greeting Begin each with a greeting – Hello ______ – Dear ______ Is formal and acceptable Use the recipient's name – Hello Ms. Smith, – Dear James, – Hello Dr. Smyth,
Font Use a plain text –Arial – Times New Roman Use a consistent size font – Not too large Avoid all caps – Not too small
Yes, check spelling Most settings will allow you to check spelling before an is sent. – Proofread Do not depend on the spell check Avoid abbreviations – b4, lol Check subject line for spelling errors – Would you read an that had too many spelling errors? Could you understand it?
Signature Most servicers allow you to save a signature. – Keep it brief Name Title (Senior Class President) Tagline (okay, but keep it professional) Harry Bear Senior Class President Go forth to serve.
Replying Include a subject Reread s to check for emotional replies – Tone cannot be heard in an Will my reader think I am upset, happy, uninterested? Be friendly and respectful. – Check to make sure writing is clear and unambiguous Avoid replying all – Does everyone need to read your response? Keep it short – Can your thoughts be better relayed over the phone? – If you want a response, keep it to 5 – 8 lines of text.
Replying Think: Would you say it in person? Reply within 1 – 3 days Take one last look
Other tips Avoid forwarding – hoaxes – long chains – junk mail – anything you do not want to read Do use please and thank you when appropriate.