Close Reading Teaching The Matrix Close Reading Teaching
Allusions Alice and Wonderland written by Lewis Carroll. “Follow the white rabbit” in the text Alice does this and falls into a very deep hole, down which she falls for a very long time. Repeated mirror imagery ‘through the looking glass’ – Neo falls into another world. The film was made in the Year of the Rabbit!
Characterisation/ Costume Neo – anagram for One. Becomes a new person after being unhooked. He marks a new life is coming for the humans. He is ‘born again’ via the symbolism of his removal from the pod/womb. Thomas Anderson – links to ‘Doubting Thomas’ and also ‘andro’ – man and therefore Anderson meaning ‘man’s son’ or ‘ Son of Man’ = Christ. Neo starts with ‘questions’, takes the pill, ‘rebirth’, training, Neo sees the world as the matrix. We see him on paths, at doors, he makes choices, he advances and retreats. There are significant turning points in the film due to Neo’s choices. Look at the plot path… Neo’s character develops from ‘not knowing’ to becoming ‘all seeing’. His confident grows as does his abilities. His costuming reflects this confidence and knowledge. Costume – casual dark suit, naked in blanket (rebirth), grey on the Neb, black suit and shirt; no glasses like others, black leather, long coat, glasses – to show his power and stature.
Neo’s story What is the Matrix. Is Neo the One Neo’s story What is the Matrix? Is Neo the One? Who is trying to betray them? Foresha-dowing, hints ‘Follow the white rabbit” Choices, conflicts Takes the red pill Revelations. Choices: “I believe” ‘My name is Neo’ Dies and is resurrected, defeats Smith Speaks to the world Intro, expositon Exciting force Rising action Turning point Falling action Resolution Denouement
Morpheus – Greek god of sleep and dreams or ‘he who forms, or moulds’, or morph means to shape-shift. Many low angles reflect Morpheus’ power or leadership in the film. He is the captain of the Nebuchadnezzar. Leader of the crew and seeks and believes ultimately in ‘the One’. Shown as ‘in control’, composed, superior abilities, patient, ‘all-knowing’, at first we are unsure of him (as Neo is). Costume – green tie motif of Matrix code, dark suit, black leather, long coat, glasses. Mysterious, powerful status. Imposing.
Trinity – The ‘Trinity’ (father, son and holy spirit) Trinity – The ‘Trinity’ (father, son and holy spirit). Wears skin tight black leather, powerful image. Almost androgynous. Cypher – play of Lucifer, the devil. Cypher means zero. Opposed Neo’s ‘ONE’ (binary). Has red jersey – hole over his heart (heartless). Red reflections in his sunglasses (the Devil). Judas character. Agents – costuming suits, glasses to reflect power. Anonymity, no distinct personalities – as they are programmes, not human.
Lighting Backlighting - The main source of light is behind the subject, silhouetting it, and directed toward the camera. Fill lighting - An auxiliary light, usually from the side of the subject that can soften shadows and illuminate areas not covered by the key light. Key lighting - The main light on a subject. In high key lighting, the key light provides all or most of the light in the scene. In low key lighting, the key light provides much less of the total illumination.
What lighting is being used here? How does it make the subject look? What can you see? What is the effect? Where is the actual light?
What lighting is being used here? Original photo above
What lighting is being used here? How does the subject look? What is the ‘feel’ of the shot?
What lighting is being used here? What do you see of the subject? What is the ‘feel’ due to this lighting?
Back to the Matrix! Themes… Over-reliance on technology = The use of technology without ethics can be dangerous for the human race. Technology is good to help humans to a certain extent, but it becomes dangerous when the advancement f technology is not controlled and monitored by the public. Freedom of choice – Neo is presented with many choices during the film. IE: running from the Agents to climb out the window or be trapped in the office, the pill scene, fight or flight in the subway with Agent Smith, die or rise again… Neo’s truth of nature had to be self-discovered from within. His choices ultimately lead him to his own realisation and understanding. * We need to believe in ourselves to reach our full potential. We have to have complete confidence in our own ability. Our faith must overcome our fears. Bullets can be seen to symbolise fears – falling away in rescue scene, being dodged and finally being stopped completely when Neo believes. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith – symbolised by the ‘jump’.
Fate, Destiny and FREE WILL As they progress through life, they leave a ‘trail’ of these open doors representing their decisions. At each moment of their lives, they face an infinite number of choices, an infinite number of doors, any one of which they can choose to open. As each decision is made, a path is created Each person has complete and unrestricted free will