Dr. Dixon Welcome What Counts…
ACT Scores 2013 –Good job Class of 2014! EnglishMathReadingSci. Mean N% of class Athens % State ,451 How much do you want to achieve this year? Ranked by Newsweek as the 522 Best High School in the Nation! 6 th Most Challenging High School in the State of Michigan 98 students received state, national awards and international awards 59 % of students took AP classes 3 teams and 18 individual athletes competed at the State Championship level Raised over $41,000 for Angels of Hope Charity 98 % of 2013 Graduates went to college; 7 honorably serve in the military
So, What Counts? You All of Us & Our Individual & Collective Success
The Importance of focus: What we expect…How to Succeed….
A – G Ms. Goss H – N Mr. Dowd O – Z Mr. Turner AHS Assistant Principals
A – E Mr. Adams F – K Mr. McMillan L – R Mrs. Breen S – Z Mr. Rinnan AHS Counseling Assignments & Peer Mediation Ms. Manfredi – Peer Mediation Advisor
Our Safe-Ed Staff Safe Ed Director– Mr. Brandimore Your well being is our number one concern.
ATHENS CAFETERIA LOCKDOWN DRILLS Cafeteria Lockdown Locations Cafeteria Escape Routes
School Sponsored Training Lock Down Drills Fire Drills Tornado Drills Evacuation Drills Take Advantage
Personal Readiness Strategy Take ownership of your survival At Work At Home In General
Concealment v. Cover
When Law Enforcement arrives How should I react when Law Enforcement arrives?: Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions Immediately raise hands and spread fingers. Keep hands in sight at all times Avoid making quick movements towards officers such as attempting to hold on for safety
Your Safety is most important! Let us know if you have questions. We are here to help you!
Agenda Junior Class Focus Code of Conduct Attendance Dress Code Parking Lot All Else
The Junior Challenge Dare to fail Push yourselves Stretch yourselves Challenge yourselves Be your best everyday – Make It Count
The Junior Focus This is the most important year of high school & will determine which colleges accept you or career paths you will take Check out your options Study hard Be to class on time and prepared Learn how to make the most of the ACT Let us know what we can do to help you. FYI - College Night, October 7 (here at AHS)
Code of Conduct Update The Code of Conduct is available on the Athens webpage. Read through the Code of Conduct - Be aware of your rights and responsibilities!
Attendance Policy Attendance at school is important: We want you here! Think of school as your job. 5 absences in a class (ex/unex) will result in a teacher contact home. 7 absences – visit to the AP office 9 absences – attendance review meeting. Beyond 9 – all unexcused (no credit for work missed)
Hats/Sunglasses Bare midriff Skirts/shorts – Fingertip length Yoga pants/stretch pants must be covered! Tank tops – 3 finger rule Pants – Worn at the waist! Inappropriate slogans Hoodies Cell Phones Dress Code Reminders
Above all, please drive safely. All cars parking in the student lot must be registered; cars in the lot (starting Sept. 10 th ) without a permit will be fined. Continued incidents will result in discipline. Each student must park in a designated spot. During school, there is no access to the parking lot unless you have a pass from your grade-level administrator. Emergencies only Please (Not for lunch money, homework, etc.) Parking Lot
Planners – Available in the AP Office for $5 Lunch Behavior – Please Keep Your School Clean Return the Plastic Trays Service dog -- Magic All Else
Wishing you a fabulous year! Be your best everyday – Make It Count Please return to 2nd hour – Your teacher will take attendance.