Presented by: Sea Fisheries Protection Authority
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 2 (e) Funding for Naval Service vessel replacement and technical upgrades Control Regulation Reduction in resources available to the Control Authorities Age of the Naval Service & Air Corps Fleet. Reduction to Naval Service & Air Corps Controls 78 para 2 (e) Funding for Air Corps maritime patrol aircraft replacement and technical upgrade Control Regulation Reduction in resources available to the Control Authorities Age of the Naval Service & Air Corps Fleet. Reduction to Naval Service & Air Corps Controls
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 2 (a) & (d) Funding for purchase and/or development of technologies including hardware and software to enhance fisheries protection through CCTV systems, Vessel detection systems, IT networks enabling risk management and data exchange Effective sea inspection and air surveillance regime Control Regulation Poor information sharing between member states. Ability to establish common compliance levels with all Control requirements. Development of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). Further development of ICT tools to enhance fisheries protection. Improve interaction with EU member states to encourage implementation of an effective shore-based inspection regime. Development of a culture of compliance throughout the EU.
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 2 (b) Funding for purchase and/or development of technologies including hardware and software to enhance fisheries protection through ERS, VMS and AIS Effective sea inspection and air surveillance regime Control Regulation Poor information sharing between member states. Ability to establish common compliance levels with all Control requirements. Development of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). Further development of ICT tools to enhance fisheries protection. Improve interaction with EU member states to encourage implementation of an effective shore-based inspection regime. Development of a culture of compliance throughout the EU.
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 2 (h) & ( j) Training and Seminars both inter- agency and with other Stakeholders aimed at enhancing awareness both among fishermen and other players such as inspectors, public prosecutors and judges, and among the general public Single Control Authority Good Inter Agency co-operation Improve interaction with EU member states to encourage implementation of an effective shore-based inspection regime. Implementation of Regionalisation. 78 para 2 (j) Implementation and verification of IUU regulation Failure of other EU member states to implement regulations relating to IUU.
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 Support Discard Ban Elimination of discards. 78 para 2 (c ) Implementation of Traceability Requirements under the Control regulation Control Regulation Poor information sharing between member states. Ability to establish common compliance levels with all Control requirements. Failure to implement level playing pitch within the EU. Development of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). Further development of ICT tools to enhance fisheries protection.
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 2 (f) Implementation of Control Regulation in respect of Engine Power Use of technology for control & enforcement activities Control Regulation Ability to establish common compliance levels with all Control requirements. Failure to implement level playing pitch within the EU. Continuing expansion of EU control regimes.
EMFF ArticleNeeds AnalysisSWOT 78 para 1 Support for the implementation of Specific control and inspection programmes Control Regulation Effective shore-based inspection regime Poor information sharing between member states. Ability to establish common compliance levels with all Control requirements. Reduction in resources available to the Control Authorities Improve interaction with EU member states to encourage implementation of an effective shore-based inspection regime. Development of a culture of compliance throughout the EU. Reduction in SFPA shore-based inspections EU Legal action due to non-compliance.