Brand Spanking New!
Facebook is constantly changing, reinventing itself Particularly in ways to monetize by encouraging business’s to advertise Always adding new and easier ways to advertise on the Facebook platform There are incredibly advanced options as well for the more technically savvy (or the ones willing to pay for the technically savvy) Revealed for the first time……Facebooks new Call to Action Button
Now you need to call attention to it Make a post, “Make sure to check out my video, by clicking “watch video” above”. I say go a step further and draw anyone who views your pages eyes right to it
Create a new banner in Power Point that draws the attention Use a very plain light colored back ground (will make everything on it stand out) Put a nice big Spot Light on your new button Here’s how I did it Go to the page and jing the view so you know where everything lines up
Open a new Power Point blank presentation and resize to 8.75 inches wide by 3.25 inches high
Set a background (something very plain and soft)
Add in your “Page Title” and brand promise (include your NMLS#)
Open your Jing image of your page and determine where your Call to Action button is
Mark the spot so you know precisely where it is
Highlight the Call to Action Button “area” (use shapes or bright colors here, the effect if fantastic)
Save your Power Point “cover image” as a PNG file.
Go to your business page and change the cover image
Select the new image you created with power point (FB will accept a PNG file)
Save your changes
If it does not fit, move your “highlighter” and resave a new PNG. Repeat the change image process and check. You want it just behind the call to action button
By catching a viewers eye you will increase the actions Try different calls to action to see which ones work best for you Book Now or Sign Up if you are doing presentations or promoting educational webinars for your targets Contact Us if you have a more consumer directed page
Run “Promote Your Page” Ad’s to increase how many people see it
Focus on the Target (who will benefit)
By request we are going to talk about how to use the Power Editor portion of Facebook Ad’s manager It can be a bit technical, but also very powerful