Engineering Physics 4D03/6D03 Nuclear Reactor Analysis (Reactor Physics) Term I, Administrative Details
Instructor Hello! My name is Ben Rouben. I am the instructor for this course. I worked in reactor physics at AECL from 1975 to I was Manager of the Reactor Core Physics Branch, Right now I am Reactor-Physics Consultant and Adjunct Professor at McMaster and at UOIT.
Addresses To communicate with me, you may use either address below: TA: Jason Sharpe,
Course Webpage The department webpage for 4D03 is outlines/4d03/4d03.htm. It gives the link to the details page for the course. outlines/4d03/4d03.htm The course webpage is 09_4d03_6d03/ep_d03_home.htm 09_4d03_6d03/ep_d03_home.htm
Objectives of Course Objectives of course: To aid the student in understanding modern nuclear engineering; to develop skills for analysing neutron characteristics of fission reactors. Goals: to understand the physical processes to understand and be able to formulate the basic descriptive equations to solve those equations to simulate a reactor/source configuration with appropriate models depending on energy, position, steady state or transient situations, and material properties.
Course Material Reference Material: 1) Primary reference text: Nuclear Reactor Analysis, by James J. Duderstadt & Louis J. Hamilton, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN: ) My notes – issued as we proceed 3) Other reactor-physics textbooks, e.g. (among others), John R. Lamarsh & Anthony J. Baratta, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
Schedule Lectures are on Wednesdays, 11:30 am - 2:20 pm Room: MDCL-1116 First class will be on Wednesday Sept. 9 I am tentatively scheduling the mid-term examination for Wednesday Oct. 21 or 28. Final examination date not yet known, will be available in the official exam schedule, when it is issued. My office hours: Wednesdays 2:30 pm-3:30 pm, JHE-327A, or at any time by
Marks Overall marks for the course: Weekly Assignments: 20% Mid-term Examination:30% Final Written Examination:50% 6D03 students will have to do an extra assignment, worth 20%. Note: A passing mark in the final exam will be required in order to pass the course.
Marks (cont’d) Note: Weekly Assignments must be handed in promptly on time, every week! To be handed electronically to Jason latest by Wednesday 11:00 am week following. Week 1 is Wednesday Sept. 9, so week-1 assignment is due Wednesday Sept. 16 at 11:00 am latest. Etc.
Mid-Term & Final Mid-term: Nominally 2 hours Closed book, but 1 single-sided 8.5”x11” crib sheet may be allowed. Final: 3 hours Closed book, but 2 single-sided 8.5”x11” crib sheets may be allowed.