MMU 209 INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING COURSE TIME AND VENUE: TUESDAY: (B202) WEDNESDAY: (B312) Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Dr. Benat Kockar OfficeNo: A 312 Office Phone No: /129 Office Hour: Monday Or appointment by or by phone
COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduce fundamental concepts in Materials Science Learn about materials structure, how structure dictates properties, how processing can change structure Use materials properly New design opportunities with materials
COURSE MATERIALS TEXT: Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction, W.D. Callister, Jr,. 6th or 7th edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Optional Materials, reading assignments will be distributed from web site or by . Web site: Text web site:
SYLLABUS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Bonding and Properties Chapter 3: The structure of Crytalline Solids Chapter 4: Imperfections in Solids Chapter 5: Diffusion in Solids Chapter 6: Mechanical Properties Chapter 7: Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms Chapter 8: Mechanical Failure Chapter 9: Phase Diagrams Chapter 10: Phase Transformations Chapter 11: Metal Alloys,Applications and Processing Chapter 12: Structures and Properties of Ceramics Chapter 13: Applications and Processing of Ceramics Chapter 14: Polymer Stuctures Chapter 15: Characteristics, Applications and Processing of Polymers Chapter 16: Composite Materials Chapter 17: Corrosion and Degradation
GRADING Midterm 1: % 30 Midterm 2: %30 Final: %40 Attendance: Bonus %5