Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting, Rome May 2011 Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting Rome May 2011
Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting, Rome May 2011 The purpose of the FSC inception meeting is to: formally introduce the Food Security Cluster; review the expectations of partners; and identify specific joint actions and processes to improve the humanitarian response in emergencies
objectives of day one 1.provide an overview of the context and rational behind the establishment of the FSC: –Collective effort –Principles of Partnership –strengthen the impact of life-saving, food security responses in crisis situations: –effective, proportionate, appropriate and timely response to improve implementation and accountability –Country and beneficiary support at national and sub-national level focus
objectives of day one 2.reaffirm the core functions of the FSC as identified by partners at country and global levels: 1.Surge support appropriate people at the appropriate time 2.Information management analysis 3.Tools and guidelines leadership 4.Capacity building implementing partners 5.Advocacy strengthening communication
Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting, Rome May 2011 Parking lot How do we ensure –Effective partnership –Accountability? FSC forums at country level –Dialogue and flexible approach Do we include DRR into the cluster context? Exit strategies?
Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting, Rome May 2011 The purpose of the FSC inception meeting is to: formally introduce the Food Security Cluster; review the expectations of partners; and identify specific joint actions and processes to improve the humanitarian response in emergencies
Food Security Cluster Inception Meeting, Rome May 2011 The objective of day two is to: identify and agree on joint actions required to achieve the core functional priorities.