DAT 301 Jonathan Hill, John Keats and Robert Webb
CONCEPT AND INTENTIONS Our concept is to build a live data wind farm representation, with virtual counterparts spinning at the average speed of various wind farms around the world.
DATA SOURCE AND TECHNICAL DETAILS We used historical data feeds to supply Unity with the correct information based on a month by month generative capacity. Which was then implemented into Unity to power the wind turbines.
JUSTIFICATION OF FINAL PRODUCT We are not always able to get a good idea of how necessary it is to utilise our renewable resources, but this visualisation can teach people that our energy use can be sustainable, especially through the power of wind.
ISSUES EXPERIENCED Finding reliable and accurate data on a country's wind farm generation as a whole was challenging. Javascript (issues with deltaTime) Finding wind information from several resources
HIGHLIGHT TEAM CONTRIBUTIONS Unity Work – Robert Webb & John Keats Data Sourcing – Jonathan Hill
POTENTIAL FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS A wider variety of locational results. Real Time interaction.