Digitizing Farms and building a connected Ecosystem Traceability, Accountability and Real Time Decision Support
The Need is Evident GAP between food demand and Supply is increasing day by day The world needs a connected ecosystem where the knowledge about every single arable land is available and the value chain participants collaborate to make things better. Global Arable Land per Capita is Shrinking and more farmers moving out from Agriculture Global Warming and unpredictable weather
Our Journey so far Launched for Agribusiness in April Focus during initial years was to connect large and small agro companies with Farmers Provided Tool and digitized over 1 million farm activity on real time Generated analytics over data to help in effective decision making and validating the models Highlighted alerts, Farm progress report, Climate risks, forecast and Course correction Launched for Agribusiness in April Focus during initial years was to connect large and small agro companies with Farmers Provided Tool and digitized over 1 million farm activity on real time Generated analytics over data to help in effective decision making and validating the models Highlighted alerts, Farm progress report, Climate risks, forecast and Course correction
Buyers/Consume r CropIn Value Proposition Farm Management Agencies (Private Companies, NGO’s, FPO’s, Government) Farm Digitization Personalized Package of practices Advisory & Weather Alert Marketabilit y Ensure Supply Farm Visibility Ensure Quality Cut farm- gate losses Grower retention Lower cost of production Ensure sustainable use of input Compliant & traceable Product Grower Traceable food Assured Quality Safe Scalable - Sustainable - Profitable Ecosystem Higher Yield CropIn in the value chain
Agronomists, Field officers and farmers enabled with mobile application does guided farming and shares data in real time which can be assessed over web application by management CropIn’s Product For Agri Sector Cropin Cloud Web Login for Management Mobile apps for Field Team End consumer Traceability – Farm to Fork
Agri-Business Manages farms with help of their Field Staff/Agronomist using Cropin Mobile and Web Platform Capture – Analyze- Control and Improve A connected ecosystem
Predictive Risk Management Geo-tagged Info Real time & detailed report on Harvest Forecast - Input – Activity – Weather- Alerts etc. from the farms… A Visual & Analytical approach Plot wise Score Card Geo-tag & Area Alerts Dashboard Reports
Creating Market Linkages to reach out to domestic and International Buyers
FPO-1 FPO-2 FPO Procurement Team connect with Buyers to sell ORANG E FPO-3 ORAN GE Promote Your Farms GAP/Organic/Export Crops International Traders and institutional buyers Domestic Traders, retailets
50+ Crops 14 States
The Next Big WHAT?
The power of Data - Replacing beliefs and biases Money Ball Twitter Facebook “When you replace beliefs and biases from baseball with data” You gain a clear advantage.. “When you replace beliefs and biases from baseball with data” You gain a clear advantage.. “When a Nation tweets” One can sense the next possible government. “When a Nation tweets” One can sense the next possible government. “When your wife delivers a baby” You get discount on beer. “When your wife delivers a baby” You get discount on beer.
Smart Crop Planning Compare yield Compare Seeds performance Analyze practices, Inputs, Season, climate and its impact on yield Gets personalized advices on crop Get Instant Advice on Pest and Diseases. Connect with Advisors, Buyers, Banks, Insurance, Input Companies. Get Market analytics and trend Connected Millions Farms generates enough insight & helps other farms on network Now Plan your Crop with Confidence
Happy to Help!!