268 Q: How much money does Scotland currently receive from Westminster? A: £30 to £36 billion 267 Q: What is the sum of money called that Scotland receives from Westminster? A: Block grant 266 Q: What question will be posed to voters in the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014? A: “Should Scotland be an Independent country?” 265 Q: Which political party currently has 2 seats in the Scottish Parliament? A: Green Party 264 Q: Which political party believes in the welfare state and supporting society's vulnerable members? A: Labour party 263 Q: How many seats does the Scottish National Party (SNP) currently have in the Scottish Parliament? A: Q: Give an example of a reserved matter? A: Taxation/ foreign policy 261 Q: What are devolved matters? A: Devolved matters are the responsibility of the Scottish Parliament
270 Q: What is the name of the First Minister of Scotland? A: Alex Salmond 269 Q: How many Scottish Conservative MPs (Members of Parliament) are there in Westminster? A: 1