1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, 15-19 July 2013 FAO Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, July 2013 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Objectives and expected outcomes of the Regional workshop No. 1 Dr Sanin Tanković TCCT No1

Objectives review the current status and challenges of national aquatic disease surveillance in the 5 participating countries; learn the basic concepts and principles of a disease surveillance system; learn the basic concepts and practical application of aquatic disease surveillance;

Objectives develop a harmonized surveillance design/methodology (using international standards, i.e. OIE) for the conduct of national and regional surveillance for 3 or 4 regionally important diseases of finfish (e.g. viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN), koi herpes virus (KHV), viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER)),

Objectives discuss other issues relevant to surveillance, e.g. diagnostics, surveillance data analysis, preparation of aquatic animal health information system, including the Western Balkan Aquatic Animal Health Website), and finalise work plans for the follow-up training/workshop related to surveillance as well as other components of the TCP.

Process This workshop will be facilitated by: TCCT Consultant 3 (TCCT Consultant 3 (Aquatic Epidemiology: Surveillance and Aquatic Animal Health Information System), International Consultant I (Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting; Contingency Planning and Emergency Preparedness), National Consultant 2 (Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting), TCCT Consultant 1 (Aquatic Animal Health) and FAO Lead Technical Officer for this project.

Process It consists of 5 sessions, namely: Session 1: Setting the scene and understanding the national situation on disease surveillance of the 5 participating countries Session 2: Basic concepts and principles of disease surveillance Session 3: Basic concepts and principles of an aquatic disease surveillance Session 4: Design and implementation of disease surveillance for 3- 4 pathogens of regional importance Session 5: Conclusions and the way forward

Session 1: Setting the scene and understanding the national situation on disease surveillance of the 5 participating countries Background, objectives and expected outcomes of TCP/RER/3402 Objectives and expected outcomes of the Regional Workshop National aquatic disease surveillance in the countries: status and challenges

Session 2: Basic concepts and principles of disease surveillance Definitions and principles, characteristics of a surveillance system, purpose of a surveillance system Aquatic animal disease surveillance and differences compared to terrestrial disease surveillance

Session 3: Basic concepts and principles of an aquatic disease surveillance OIE Manual on Aquatic Animal Disease Surveillance EU Aquatic animal health requirements Approaches to aquatic disease surveillance using examples of aquatic disease surveillance carried out in other countries Resources available for aquatic disease surveillance, sampling design, analysis of surveillance data Principles of demonstration of freedom from disease, disease-free zones, disease-free compartments

Session 4: Design and implementation of disease surveillance for 3-4 pathogens of regional importance Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN), Koi herpes virus (KHV), Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER): aetiology, diagnosis, geographical distribution Draft surveillance design Working group guidelines Working group discussions Working group presentations and discussions Presentation and discussions: Western Balkan Regional Aquatic Disease Surveillance Design and Implementation

Session 5: Conclusions and the way forward Other issues relevant to surveillance, e.g. diagnostics, surveillance data analysis, preparation of aquatic animal health information system, including the Western Balkan Aquatic Animal Health Website (Dr Sanin Tankovic/Dr Vladimir Radosavljevic) Work plans for the follow-up training/workshop related to surveillance as well as other components of the TCP (facilitated by Dr Melba Reantaso)

Participation The workshop will be participated by 5 countries Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) Croatia (2) Macedonia (2) Montenegro (2) Serbia (28) FAO (4)

Products Good understanding of the status and challenges of aquatic disease surveillance in the 5 participating countries; Increased knowledge on the basic concepts and principles of disease surveillance in general and specifically aquatic disease surveillance; Design and implementation mechanism for surveillance of 3-4 aquatic pathogens; Work plan pertaining to achieving Output 3 as well as other components of the TCP. A workshop report

Thank you for your attention!