Antebellum “Labor Movement” From Masters to Managers (Late 1700s to early 1800s) –Philadelphia’s Federal Society of Journeyman Cordwainers (shoemakers) ( ) –Lowell Mills ( s) First major strike in 1834 –Formation of the Workingmen’s Party in New York (1829) –Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)
Modern Labor Movement Beginning of the Modern Labor Movement ( ) –National Labor Union (1866) –Knights of Labor (1869) –American Federation of Labor (1886)
Modern Labor Movement Important Strikes –Great Railroad Strike (1877) Rise of AFL –Haymarket Bombings/Riot (1887)
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Modern Labor Movement Post-Haymarket ( ) –Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) –Homestead Strikes (1892) –Panic of 1893 –Pullman Car Strikes (1894) Eugene Debs In re Debs (1895) –Roosevelt and the Pennsylvania Coal Mines (1902) –International Workers of the World (Wobblies) (1905) Big Bill Haywood
Management vs. Labor “Tools” of Management “Tools” of Labor “scabs” P. R. campaign Pinkertons lockout blacklisting yellow-dog contracts court injunctions open shop boycotts sympathy demonstrations informational picketing closed shops organized strikes “wildcat” strikes
Modern Labor Movement Hard times for labor ( ) –Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911) –Bread and Roses Strike (Wobblies) (1911) –Ludlow Massacre (1914) –Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) –National War Labor Board ( ) –Boston Police Strike (1919) –Sacco and Vanzetti/Palmer Raids/Red Scare ( s)
Modern Labor Movement Slightly less hard times for labor ( ) –National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) (1935) –Flint, Michigan victory (1937) –Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) –National War Labor Board (WWII) (1942) –CIO
Modern Labor Movement Decline of labor? –Taft-Hartley Act (1947) –AFL-CIO merger (1955) –OSHA (1970) –Reagan and PATCO (1981) –Clinton and NAFTA (1995) –Bush and the Longshoremen Union (2002) –1945: 36% of American workers were unionized –2007: 12% of American workers were unionized