S3: Calibration factors update Two weeks ago: L1 - Comparison with official factors found a problem: Investigating the discrepancy Gaby found an error in the digital gain of the model for L1, which affects the sensing function gain also (C=H/(AD)). So digital filter was about 30% too high and sensing function was about 30% too small.
Now the factors computed both ways agree fairly well: Notice, however, that had we used the “wrong” alphas with the wrong sensing function we would have nevertheless obtained the correct updated sensing function. This is because the method measures the sensing function by taking ratios of the calibration line as seen in AS_Q to the line as seen in the excitation channel.
Bottom line: -The factors agree quite well between both methods when all the model functions are correct. - If they are not correct the new method can correct a certain class of errors (such as gains) in the reference functions by adjusting the values of the factors (demodulated alphas were about 30% lower). - Currently we are investigating the 5% discrepancy for S2 as well as a small discrepancy seen in the betas for L1/S3. - As far as time-scales for the factors we have decided for 2Hz for L1 and possibly 1Hz or larger for H1/H2.