Welcome to the Bachelor of Public Relations Leanne Glenny Acting Program Director (Jan-Jun 08) B2-21 PH: E: Dr Joy Chia Program Director (from Jul 08) B2-12 PH: E:
What do these terms mean? Program: the degree that you are studying For example: Bachelor of Public Relations (Program code = MBPB) Course: unit of study For example: Public Relations Theory and Practice (Course Code = COMM 1057) Unit: most courses are worth 4.5 units A typical full-time load for Study Periods 2 and 5 is 18 units which is equivalent to 4 courses Major: a stream of related courses than comprises 36 units Professional Major is Public Relations – Sub-major is an elective such as Psychology Study Period: the dates within which students undertake a course of study (eg semester) Bachelor of PR is only conducted in Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 Lecture: one lecturer with all students enrolled in the course (all attend) Tutorial: one tutor per students (enrol in one tutorial per course)
What will I be studying? PR Theory and Practice PR Writing Strategic and Creative PR PR Issues and Crisis Management Corporate and International PR Communication Management and Leadership Internship or Placement Professional Major Media Writing and Rhetoric Computers: Communication and Society Global Societies Media Literacies Communication, Culture and Indigenous Australians Foundation Courses Marketing Principles: trading and Exchange Buyer and Consumer Behaviour Professional PR Texts Professional Concentration PR Elective selected from: Journalism ethics Creative Industries and Ethics Accounting, Decisions and Accountability Business Information Systems Statistical Analysis in Business Any Elective course offered Electives Six courses in any Sub-major Sub-major
What’s a sub-major? Administrative Management Communication and Media Management* Communication, Media and Culture Digital Design Editing and Publishing Event Management Languages and Culture Studies Marketing* Interactive Multimedia Writing and Creative Communication Psychology International Studies * Some restrictions apply for Bachelor Public Relations students
How does it all fit together? LevelStudy Period 2Study Period 5 1 Public Relations Theory and PracticePublic Relations Writing Media, Writing and RhetoricGlobal Societies Computers: Communication and SocietyMedia Literacies Sub-major 1Sub-major 2 2 Strategic and Creative Public RelationsPublic Relations Issues and Crisis Management Communication, Culture and Indigenous Australians Corporate and International Public Relations Marketing Principles: Trading and ExchangeBuyer and Consumer Behaviour Sub-major 3Sub-major 4 3 Communication Management and LeadershipInternship or placement Professional Public Relations Texts Public Relations ElectiveElective Sub-major 5Sub-major 6
What do I need to enrol in? (Full-time students) LevelStudy Period 2Study Period 5 1 COMM 1057 Public Relations Theory and Practice COMM 1058 Public Relations Writing COMM 1015 Media, Writing and Rhetoric POLI 1014 Global Societies INFT 1003 Computers: Communication and Society HUMS 1013 Media Literacies Sub-major 1Sub-major 2 Note: Students applying for credits from other programs, universities or SAIBIT must speak with the Program Director (Leanne Glenny) or Allan Robbins for individual enrolment advice.
What do I need to enrol in? (Part-time students) LevelStudy Period 2Study Period 5 1 COMM 1057 Public Relations Theory and Practice COMM 1058 Public Relations Writing One of the following: COMM 1015 Media, Writing and Rhetoric INFT 1003 Computers: Communication and Society One of the following: POLI 1014 Global Societies HUMS 1013 Media Literacies Note: Students applying for credits from other programs, universities or SAIBIT must speak with the Program Director (Leanne Glenny) or Allan Robbins for individual enrolment advice.
SAIBIT Diploma of Media and Communication Students: Amended study program LevelStudy Period 2Study Period Public Relations Theory and PracticePublic Relations Writing Strategic and Creative Public RelationsPublic Relations Issues and Crisis Management Communication, Culture and Indigenous Australians Corporate and International Public Relations Sub-major 3*Sub-major 4* 2009 Communication Management and LeadershipInternship or placement Professional Public Relations Texts Public Relations ElectiveBuyer and Consumer Behaviour Sub-major 5*Sub-major 6* * Former SAIBT students must undertake sub-major in either Communication and Media Management or Digital Design. Notes: 1. A sub-major in Marketing could be negotiated with Program Director. 2. All former SAIBIT students will need to complete a Course Substitution Form and have it approved by the Program Director.
Contacts First point of call for questions: Program advice Allan Robbins Room B2-24 (near library) PH: Acting Program Director: Leanne Glenny Room B2-21 (near Library) PH: E: See you at Orientation Day – 28 February