Learn Engage Create Module : Awareness “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” - Aristotle The name, venue and date fields are to left for trainers to complete whenever they run their own training. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Awareness Why is it important? Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, thoughts and feelings is a big step towards knowing who you really are (you the individual, you the organization) Awareness is the key to improving our ability to learn, apply that learning, share our situation and, eventually, to produce innovation in our organizations
Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI) Awareness Our aims today in this module To understand the creative and cultural industries To better understand their contribution in Europe To motivate you to use innovation to improve their profits and growth Objectives Review the overall CCI situation in Europe Give specifics of some key sectors Show the impact of innovation in CCI
Creative and Cultural Industries Are industries that have activities that trade with creativity, culture, knowledge and information The Experience Economy Industries of the Future Can be highly collaborative Increasingly recognized as a generator of jobs, wealth and cultural engagement The core creative industries in the 27 countries of the European Union were estimated to generate €558 billion in value added to GDP in 2008, about 4.5% of total European GDP Employment in the total creative industries was about 14.4 million, or 6.5% of the total EU workforce During the recent “Towards a Pan-European initiative in support of innovative creative industries in Europe” event, organised by the European Commission, experts adopted the socalled Amsterdam declaration urging regions, Member States and the Commission to follow a more strategic approach to innovative creative industries85 “Cultural and creative industries are at the crossroad between culture, creativity and innovation. They offer a huge potential to contribute to the transformation of European society, responding to major social, demographical and environmental challenges and leading to a more sustainable and smarter economy within the EU 2020 strategy. Yet, the combined cultural and economic potential of these dynamic industries still remains largely underestimated and untapped”.
They (You!) are a powerhouse of economic growth in Europe In a nutshell: CCI's are one of the big employers of the EU They (You!) are a powerhouse of economic growth in Europe Image source: Report 2014 “Creating growth Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU”
LEC has identified 13 CCI sectors… … which CCI are YOU?
A well-known “creative’s” story…
Philippe Starck Domain: Design interior, product, industrial and architectural design work
Push and Pull Factors Opportunity Necessity The push factor involves a force which acts to drive people away (from a place, person or situation) The pull factor is what draws them (to a person, situation or location)
Starck’s Push – Pull “path” Push: He was a recluse in school, unable to get along with his peers and, eventually, avoided going to school altogether Push: High parental expectations (his father was an aeronautical engineer) Push: In the midst of his enthusiasm he also claims to be depressed most of the time, still struggles with insecurities that made him a recluse as a child Pull: Early success (at 19) - Started a company that specialized in designing inflatable furniture Pull: Chosen by French President Mitterand to refurbish the president's private apartments at the Élysée
Use this Push-Pull Matrix…
The “Getting To Go” exercise Go back to your mind-set when you started your CCI business Summarise the story of starting your business What were your motivations? What were the steps you took from idea to start-up? Label those steps either as push or pull factors Use the push/pull matrix provided (highlight innovations) Then pair off. Each of you presents your story to your partner (5 minutes) You should listen to your partner and identify: what was surprising? and specifically what was risky?
Feedback Which of your partner’s actions were: ... Surprising? ... Risky? What have you learnt from your partner? What, specifically, relates to the CCIs and your contribution to your own and EU success? Write it all down!
References to Pearltrees Pearltrees is a visual and collaborative curation tool which will provide you with much more in-depth information on this module’s topic. Specifically please visit: http://www.pearltrees.com/learnengagecreate/awareness/id12742868
Any questions whatsoever?
Thank you for your attention! <insert presenter's name & contact details> Further extensive material, case studies, exercises, links and more can be found on www.lec-project.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.