China – The Silk Road
What is the Silk Road? The Silk Road is a trade route that lead from China to Rome. The Silk Road is about 4,000 miles long!
What happened on the Silk Road? The Silk Road was use to transport goods for trading across Asia and into Europe. Groups of traders set out with goods that were native to their homelands on a journey far away to trade their goods with other people in exchange for goods that they did not have.
What was the journey on the Silk Road like for traders? The journey on the Silk Road was VERY difficult for traders. They had to fight through deserts, snowy mountains, storms, and battle bandits along their trip. Almost all of the traders did not go all the way from China to Rome. Most turned around at different towns along the Silk Road once they had made the trade exchanges they wanted to.
What was exchanged on the Silk Road? Goods, Religion, and Cultures were exchanged during trade along the Silk Road. The interaction of people on the Silk Road from different lands, faiths, and jobs caused an exchange of their cultures and religions.
What goods were traded on the Silk Road? From the West Asia and the Mediterranean (The Middle East) Horses Glass Musical Instruments Carpets Pearls From East Asia Silk Porcelain Dried Rhubarb Medicine From Central Asian Dates Melons Grapes Raisins Jade Spices Precious Stones
Africa The Silk Road – Mapping Activity