D i V E R S I T Y Asiah Postell
Mix- it-up Day! *Hands On*
Where will Diversity Take Us? *Live Diversity* ARUFeJF-Ew&feature=related
Acknowledgments Ms. Ward- Helping me throughout my entire project and making agreements with me as I went through it. Anything that I needed extra help on she was there and she always made time for me Mrs. Whitlock- She helped me organize Mix-It-Up Day, got paper work for me, showed me websites that were useful, and was always there to help as well FBLA/STOP- All my members were there for Mix-It-Up Day, and helped along with the planning, such as getting supplies for our special event Barbara Lawler (Instructional Aide)- Got the students together to organize the tables in the café Courtney McWilliams- For helping me put together my slide show, since my computer is crazy