C & A Financial Group is committed to improving the planning process and experience of preparing for the future. We developed the Responsible Wealth Process to educate and assist you in reducing and eliminating many of the wealth eroding factors that we face today. This process focuses on efficiency, cost recovery, asset protection, asset utilization and wealth building. We recognize that wealth is not achieved by exotic financial products or complicated strategies – it comes from making the most of the opportunities that are often overlooked and underutilized. You are your best asset to “Living a Life of Responsible Wealth.”
Improving Cash Flow & Quality of Life Accumulating Assets to Provide for a Secure Retirement Maintaining Adequate Liquid Savings & Reserves Establishing & Maintaining Adequate Insurance Protection Having Resources for Educational Funding Protecting Assets from Taxes & Unfriendly Creditors
Consider the many terms utilized in the financial world. The result of these common products is that planning has often become product based vs process based. Today more than 90% of wealth in our country is owned by 10% of the population...successful people think of money and wealth building in an uncommon manner.
Personal Issues Expenses & propensity to spend often conflicts with our need and desire to save. Businesses & Financial Institutions Profit motives to satisfy owners & shareholders may conflict with our desire to receive high quality competitively priced products with the performance we desire. Government Issues State & Federal Debt/Deficit issues often conflict with our desire to maintain benefits and have low taxes. Like many aspects of our lives we may find ourselves financially out of alignment without knowing it. Some of the misalignment is self induced and some is based upon misinformation or opinions that are not true.
Traditionally: Net Worth Needs Based Planning Product Based Strategies Asset Protection is Minimized Rates of Return Are Critical for Success Promotes Asset Hoarding & a Scarcity Mindset Responsible Wealth: Cash Flow & Quality of Life Focus On Cash Flow & Efficiency Process Based Strategies Asset Protection is Core & Maximized Rate of Saving Is the Key Element for Success Promotes Asset Utilization with Replacement
Improved Wealth Building & Utilization Improved Asset Protection Minimize & Manage Risk Minimize & Eliminate Costs Where Possible Revenue Neutral: Save More Without Living Less
OUR PROCESS Responsible Wealth Architect The Lifetime Objective Identifier The Resource Identification Organizer The Wealth Opportunity Assessment The Risk Assessment Process The Responsible Wealth Launch The Action Accountability Blueprint The Accountability Continuum INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY Efficient Frontier Approach Summary Combine Multiple Asset Classes Diversify Globally Invest in Thousands of Securities Invest in High Quality Short Term Fixed Income FINANCIAL TOOLS & SERVICE Living Balance Sheet Web-based Service & Monitoring