Ex Libris, LOD and BIBFRAME Asaf Kline | Director, Alma Product Management
Enter Title Vision Statement
Vision Statement Ex Libris sees clear advantage of using linked data, for library staff as well as for end users Library data is well positioned (highly structured) to take the best advantage of linked data services
Catalogers and Library Staff Vision Statement Catalogers and Library Staff Authority Control Authority control via Linked Data is more immediate, internationalized and more transparent Adding Metadata while cataloging Catalogers may be presented with additional enriched data can complement the cataloging process Supply data and additional services related to suppliers and publishers as integral part of the library flows
Vision Statement End Users Enhanced searching Patron searches may be automatically enhanced based on linked data Outbound links End users may be presented with links to related information based on URIs stored with the metadata Exploration Use the web/graph created by the linked data to facilitate a new category of information search
Enter Title LOD and Alma
LOD and Alma – Current Status Many of the Alma objects are accessible using URIs Alma supports a wide variety of RESTful web services returning JSON output All Alma objects referenced by URIs in the outputs
Types of services for which URIs will be generated include: LOD and Alma - Planned Add end-to-end support for adding URIs as part of the cataloging process Types of services for which URIs will be generated include: LC VIAF GND Geonames Generating URIs from internal identifiers
Show a linked data services menu in: LOD and Alma - Planned Show a linked data services menu in: Repository search results Metadata Editor menu Publish LOD enriched metadata to external systems Discovery Other
Enter Title BIBFRAME and Alma
BIBFRAME and Alma BIBFRAME is on the way to becoming a viable bibliographic description data model Alma will evolve its support in stages, as the model matures LOD support is a necessary building block for this evolution
BIBFRAME and Alma Alma’s metadata format ‘agnostic’ architecture supports a clear roadmap for implementing BIBFRAME Alma today can support (natively) multiple formats in the same catalog Marc21 Dublin Core Unimarc Kormarc ID Version Relational Fields Operational Record “Native” Format
BIBFRAME and Alma Phase 1 Phase 2 Support import and export in the BIBFRAME format Crosswalk to one of the supported Native formats Phase 2 Support existing MARC, DC and BIBFRAME together. This allows customer to evolve into BIBFRAME
Enter Title LOD and Primo
Current Status - Primo The recent release of Primo Central and Primo have linked data services (beta): RESTful search returning URIs URIs return JSON LD The new services will be available to SaaS and local customers just like any other API (not via the API GW)
Primo RESTful Search API https://your-primo/primo/PNX?q=First+Series&apikey=1A3b { "@context": "http://purl.org/pnx", "@id": "http://myPrimo/rest/PNX/myInstitution?q=First+Series", "@type": "PNX", "results": "1", "PNX": [ { "@id": "http://myPrimo/rest/PNX/myInstitution/L/project_gutenbergetext22160", "type": "book", "title": "Studien und Plaudereien First Series", "creator": [ "Stern, Sigmon Martin", "Barak Hecht"], "date": "2007", "publisher": "Burlington, VT : Ashgate", "language": "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/deu", "format": "online_resources“ } ] } © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary
Primo JSON-LD © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary
Primo – April 2015 release Extend the RESTful search to support all features currently supported by the old search services Support customer local fields in the JSON LD output