US History Exploration and Colonization Overview
Pequot War First Serious armed conflict between the Native Americans settlers of New England. Numerous previous conflicts over property, damage to Indian fields, hunting and dishonest trade dealings. The Pequot were outgunned, a smallpox epidemic had also weakened the tribe. 1637, the Pequot leader Sassacus is captured, main village destroyed and the Pequot were finished.
The Causes of European Exploration The main cause was disease The Bubonic Plague Uneven distribution of wealth Royalty and Church were very wealthy Poor and Middle-class were left with nothing Gold, Glory, God
Rise of England as an Exploration power Queen Elizabeth led England to victory against Spain War in English Channel: Armada was defeated by small English boats Enlightenment sparked curiosity and intellectual ideas Led to English exploration (along with other countries)
Main differences of the Spanish, French and English Colonies French were most tolerant of Native Americans Gained trust through trade instead of forceful tactics Spanish and English colonies very violent and aggressive Forced beliefs and culture upon others
Main Characteristics of the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies Southern Colonies England’s first American colonies Oriented around slavery and tobacco production Money was main incentive New England Colonies Puritans and Separatists Most opportunities for education Middle Colonies Most diverse and tolerant of religion, gender, and heritage
Bacon’s Rebellion 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led Virginia Colony settlers in rebellion against the Indians William Berkeley, royal governor of Virginia catered to wealthy Upset farmers and led to rebellion March of armed followers (settlers) to Jamestown after slaughtering of Indians Americans began to show what they were made of
Headright System Virginia Company offered free land starting in acres of land granted to those who pay for passage Expansion of Virginia Free land lured colonists 1624 – Virginia became a royal colony
King Philip’s War King Philip (Metacom) led the Wampanoag tribe in resistance against settlers Colonists defeated Native Americans Extremely bloody battle Metacom was brutally murdered Head was displayed in Plymouth
House of Burgesses First representative body in Colonial America Had power to make laws and raise taxes Two types of government (1624): Royal Colonies that belonged to The Crown Proprietary Colonies belonged to powerful individuals/companies
Joint Stock Company Promoters of English colonies obtained a charter (certificate of permission) Promoters included Sir Walter Raleigh Business venture shared in company’s profits and losses Founded and run by a group of investors
Mercantilism Drove British economy Mother colony should use other colonies for raw materials and markets for their goods Developed industries and export in exchange for gold and silver Encouraged minimizing of imports (monarchs)
Navigation Acts Series of trade laws Only English ships/sailors could trade with English colonies Valuable goods only to be shipped to England Ensured English colonies would primarily benefit England Goods had to pass through English ports
Triangular Trade A three part trade route North America to England Raw Materials England to Africa Manufactured goods Africa to North America Enslaved Africans Middle Passage
Salutary Neglect The belief and period in which England did not strictly force parliament upon America Belief it would keep America obedient to England Based upon local self-rule Disregarded Navigation Acts which kept America from trading with anyone other than England Ended with Stamp Act and Sugar Act
Great Awakening Period in the which religious revival took place – Evangelical preachers traveled to give emotional sermons – Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield: two leading preachers – Rejected Enlightenment – Led to new churches, increase in tolerance, and democratic belief
Puritans and Separatists Separatists – Did not recognize established church – Less in number than Puritans – First independent church in England opened by Rev. John Lothrop Puritans – Believed in reform within the church and abandonment of church to be a deadly sin – Formed majority of House of Commons – Settlers of Massachusetts Bay and did not separate from English Church
Mayflower Compact The first governing document of Plymouth Colony – Religious dissenters wanting to establish colony – Puritans – Signed by 41 of 102 original Mayflower passengers – Signed document establishing government derived from consent of the governed.