April 22, 2008 IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey 1 Key Points IATUL 2008 Conference Auckland, April 2008
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey2 ► 102 respondents ► 43% of our members ► 35 member countries out of 47 (74.5%)
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey3 Australia – 14% Canada – 9% USA – 9% England – 7% Germany – 6% Poland – 5% Sweden – 5% Finland – 4% New Zealand – 4% Greece – 3% India – 3%
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey4 Q#2 Primary reason for joining IATUL? ► 33% - exchanging ideas, experiences, etc. ► 32% - networking ► 12% - keeping up to date ► 11% - no specific reason/skip ► 6% - improving services, management, etc. ► 4% - attending the conference
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey5
Q#4 Why are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your IATUL membership? ► 27% - No comments/cannot comment ► 24% - Conference ► 15% - Networking ► 15% - Other (e.g. value for the money, have not yet participated, no staff/money/time) ► 13% - Good Information/Keeping up to date April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey6
Q#4 Why are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your IATUL membership? ► 8% - Dissatisfied ► papers too academic & theoretical ► English countries prevail ► not too many activities outside of conference ► not much communication ► not anymore important because of Internet ► problems of less developed libraries are neglected ► could do more in knowledge exchange ► to see more joint projects (e.g. EU ones) April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey7
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey8
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey9 Q#6 Most important benefit from IATUL? ► 28% - Networking ► 25% - Conference ► 23% - Exchange experiences & Ideas ► 22% - None/Skip ► 7% - Keeping up to date ► 3% - IATUL-L ► 3% - IATUL News Alert ► 6% - Other
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey10 Q#7 What do you feel IATUL could do differently to better serve its members? ► 64% had no comments or skipped the question ► Some of the comments: 8% - foster interactions between members & institutions 7% - better/more promotions of IATUL activities (e.g. newsletter, blog) 5% - everything is fine 3% - more special interest groups IATUL to help developing countries & its librarians Support international consortia in licensing e-resources Keep the high quality of conference – add another one in Fall
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey11 Q#8. Which services might motivate you to get involved with the IATUL programmes?
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey12 Top three priorities ► Priority #1: 11% - Virtual Library, Web2.0/3.0, Open Access & IR 7% - Cooperation/Collaboration 7% - Conference 6% - Benchmarking, Quality Standards & Management 5% - Communication 4% - Information Competency Others like: increase membership, development of staff & services, information literacy.
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey13 Top three priorities ► Priority #2: 9% - Virtual Library, Web2.0/3.0, Open Access & IR 6% - Cooperation/Collaboration 3% - Benchmarking, Quality Standards & Management 2% - Scholarly Communications Others like: development of staff & services, library spaces, archiving rare materials, web site design, expert database, creating special task force to help developing countries, information competency
April 22, 2008IATUL 2008 Members’ Survey14 Top three priorities ► Priority #3: 6% - Virtual Library, Web2.0/3.0, Open Access & IR 5% - Cooperation/Collaboration 4% - Benchmarking, Quality Standards & Management 3% - Conference Others like: Innovation, improving liaison with other groups (e.g. IFLA), rethinking library space, increasing membership,