Disparities and Change Dr. East 11/17
Many poor countries owe large debts to developed countries or international banks The world is now more globalised with many developed country TNCs operating in and possibly exploiting developing countries Developed countries tend to specialise in more value added industries like banking and manufacturing, widening the development gap even more Many international organisations are dominated by developed countries e.g. G20, World Bank, IMF and even the UN Security Council Many developing countries have now become reliant on NGO help Population growth is highest in developing countries so many are suffering from greater overpopulation and are more dependent on foreign help. What does this diagram show? Explain the problem for countries on peripheries. Dependency Theory
Life Expectancy Why is life expectancy increasing?Why is life expectancy increasing? Improved diet and increased food production Better provision of clean water Immunization programs to eliminate diseases like small pox and reduce others like TB Better medical care Improved post natal care (reduced infant and child mortality) Better education about diet, hygiene, etc. What causes life expectancy to decrease? Prolonged civil war e.g. Sierra Leone Disease e.g. HIV in Botswana Famine and drought e.g. Ethiopia
Income Countries like South Korea and more recently China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia are seeing rapid and prolonged growth in income. It is important to remember that even when countries experience growth in income, it is very unlikely that this growth is universal. There will probably be groups that are marginalized creating inequalities.
education Map Showing Higher Education Spending
Although the graph shows a reduction in educational disparities, differences still exist. Why?
What has been done to reduce global disparities in health, education, and income?