ITS GLOBAL STANDARDIZATION CHALLENGES July 9, 2002 Brian Wynne Senior Vice President for Business and Trade Intelligent Transportation Society of America
What is ITS? Intelligent Transportation Systems employ information, electronic, communication and other technologies to solve surface transportation problems. ITS is a set of applications that rely on existing or emerging telecommunications and IT networks
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)
Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS)
Electronic Toll Collection Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS)
Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS) Emergency Services CVO Fleet O&M Safety & Security CVO Infrastructure O&M Tourism & Traveler Information Public Traveler/Mobility
Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO)
Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS)
Benefit-Cost Ratios 5.7 8.8 5 10 All Metro Areas 297 MSAs Largest Metro Areas 75 MSAs 8.8 5 10 APOGEE
Distribution of Benefits Emissions/Fuel 6% Other < 1% Time Savings 41% Accident Cost Savings 42% Operating Cost Savings 6% Agency Cost Savings 5% APOGEE
ITS America members Members include federal, state, and local governments; engineering and transportation societies; private firms; academic institutions; research institutions; public interest groups; and foreign and international organizations
Importance of global standards Global standards are key to ubiquitous deployment Scale Interoperability During the August retreat, Board members brainstormed several objectives for achieving the goals. Staff was instructed to refine the goals and develop specific activities for meeting the objectives. A refined list of goals and objectives was distributed to the Board of Directors for ranking. Fourteen objectives (and specific activities for each) were identified as priorities for action in 2000. For each priority objective, staff developed Resource Allocation Plans. These plans: Identified the goal to be reached Identified the priority objective to be met Described the programs and specific tasks to be implemented to further the goal and objective Allocated human and financial resources toward implementation of the programs for each objective Identified specific ITS America volunteer groups (Board, Councils, Committees, Task Forces) to assist staff in implementing these programs Assigned a senior staff member to each objective to manage implementation. The RAPs were shaped into a budget for 2000, approved by the Board in late 1999. RAPs were used as a staff management tool for implementing the programs and tracking progress. Monthly RAP meetings were held to discuss progress, problem areas, etc.
“Vertical” Standards Challenges ISO Technical Committee 204 “Transportation Information and control systems (TICS) Coupled with CEN TC 278 Road, transport and Telematics systems (RTTS) Conflicts have been mitigated by dialogue initiated in June 2001 see: Given the rapid pace of change, particularly in the ITS business, it is important that organizations have both a plan and process to direct the organization’s activities as well as ensure nimbleness and flexibility to effectively address changing circumstances. The strategic plan is not intended to be a “one-shot” deal. It is designed to set a long-range vision for the future that is regularly updated and adjusted to address changing circumstances. While the essence and long-range vision for ITS America is not intended to be revisited regularly, assumptions about the future, changes in the external environment and other trends are to be examined to determine how these circumstances affect how ITSA achieves its long-range vision.
Overlapping Jurisdictions TC8 Ships and Marine Technology TC22 Road Vehicles TC104 Freight Containers JTC1/SC 31 Auto ID and data capture Given the rapid pace of change, particularly in the ITS business, it is important that organizations have both a plan and process to direct the organization’s activities as well as ensure nimbleness and flexibility to effectively address changing circumstances. The strategic plan is not intended to be a “one-shot” deal. It is designed to set a long-range vision for the future that is regularly updated and adjusted to address changing circumstances. While the essence and long-range vision for ITS America is not intended to be revisited regularly, assumptions about the future, changes in the external environment and other trends are to be examined to determine how these circumstances affect how ITSA achieves its long-range vision.
“Horizontal” Standards Challenges International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunications Services -- Working party for Land Mobile Communications Also cuts across: Broadcasting Service, Satellite Service and Fixed Service Difficult for ITS industry to provide and track status of recommendations Given the rapid pace of change, particularly in the ITS business, it is important that organizations have both a plan and process to direct the organization’s activities as well as ensure nimbleness and flexibility to effectively address changing circumstances. The strategic plan is not intended to be a “one-shot” deal. It is designed to set a long-range vision for the future that is regularly updated and adjusted to address changing circumstances. While the essence and long-range vision for ITS America is not intended to be revisited regularly, assumptions about the future, changes in the external environment and other trends are to be examined to determine how these circumstances affect how ITSA achieves its long-range vision.
Regional Standards Activity Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) – Asia-Pacific Standardization Program (ASTAP) CEN/ETSI CITEL – Inter-American Telecommunications Commission
Regional standards organizations CEN/ETSI Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) CITEL (Inter-American Telecommunications Commission)
Additional challenging factors Emergence of telematics services (regulatory complications) Ups and downs of the telecommunications industry
ITS America Web Site
July 9, 2002 Brian Wynne Senior Vice President for Business and Trade Thanks July 9, 2002 Brian Wynne Senior Vice President for Business and Trade