HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2015 CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL ANNUAL TRAINING Sue Kroeger and Sue Netzly-Watkins, Ohio EPA Opening the covenant crypt…
VAPOR INTRUSION REMEDIES REMEMBERED Don’t be haunted by what’s in the Environmental Covenant!
CNS ISSUED- FORGETTING SOMETHING? Activity and use limitation for the VI pathway AUL
VAPOR INTRUSION(VI) “TOTAL RECALL” VI risk identified for current or reasonably anticipated uses Remedy needed if the VI risk exceeded applicable standards
WHICH REMEDY OPTION Active remedy completed? Source removed Verified that VI pathway not an issue to on or off property receptors
VAPOR RISK REMOVED? If so, done!! NFA letter issued w/o further VI remedy
ACTIVE REMEDY NOT TAKEN? Could not reach source due to buildings or other site features Cost Development unknown
ACTIVITY & USE LIMITATION? If the NFA letter didn’t demonstrate future buildings complies with VI standards Assess VI risk once development becomes known
‘VI PATHWAY AUL’ Limitation on building occupancy – remedy or demonstration obligation Occupancy may occur after: Engineering control installed and made subject to O&M plan and agreement or Demonstration by CP that no (more) remedy is needed to meet the standards
TIME FOR NEW BUILDING? Which AUL option fits? Active remedy? Engineering control?
WHICH-WITCH TO CHOOSE? *DEPENDS ON SITE* Ready – Fly Away Wait – Fatten Up
CP DEMO ‘READY TO FLY’ After CNS, a new building is planned Assessment (active remedy, if needed) supports that VI standards are met without any controls CP makes demonstration
Newer CNS with O&M Agreement already in place? SWAP OUT PARTS Newer CNS without Agreement? CONSTRUCT Older CNS or older Agreement? REBUILD O&M TO CREATE?
TRACK “A” AGREEMENT EXISTS? AUL prohibits building occupancy until… engineering controls are under O&M plan and agreement Does Agreement allow Volunteer to change plan - without change to agreement?
TRACK “B” AGREEMENT BREWING? O&M plan just wasn’t needed for NFA letter (AUL used) So…with future building, brew up O&M plan and agreement Execute agreement, amend CNS
Older O&M agreements do not allow for Volunteer’s major change to O&M plan without others’ permission Options exist for those wanting to account for new remedies CATCH ALL
CPs can help volunteers and owners understand the AUL obligations – and not void their CNS! Avoid ‘the chase’ to demonstrate an engineering control is effective or to develop O&M documents DON’T LOSE YOUR HEAD OR YOUR CNS
Site in Cincinnati (2014 CNS) Active remedy Pavement barrier and first building’s VI system – O&M plan and agreement VI pathway for future buildings – AUL GO! EXAMPLE - TRACK A 2014 O&M Agreement, para. 16: submit modifications to the O&M plan in writing to Ohio EPA – effective upon approval
2015, Volunteer’s consultant contacted Ohio EPA about new building and controls under way. STOP! CP confirmed effective controls, modified O&M plan EXAMPLE - TRACK A Ohio EPA commented; CP submitted final O&M plan VAP manager’s letter approved new plan to replace 2014 plan Grand opening!
2014 CNS issued with EC with VI pathway AUL (no building yet) GO! Later that year…development’s first building was ready to open for business, but did not yet complete AUL obligations. STOP! STATE ROAD - TRACK B Volunteer contacted CP, who coordinated with Ohio EPA on approach CP drafted O&M plan and proposed agreement, and submitted certification of effective VI controls.
Ohio EPA reviewed, commented O&M plan and agreement established under amended CNS (later recorded) Grand opening! STATE ROAD - TRACK B TRACK B – SUE K.
THE END Questions?