Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Character Education Mr. Anderson Character Trait Perseverance
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Perseverance Definition: Working hard and not giving up.
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Perseverance Example I show perseverance when I stick with something until it is finished.
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Perseverance Example I show Perseverance when I do not give up.
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Perseverance Words Persistence Pertinacity Determination Steadfastness Stalwartness Constancy Relentlessness Doggedness Obstinacy Tenacity
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Tenacity Definition: Holding together and sticking to something.
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class The Crow and the Pitcher
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 1. Why did the crow decide to change its plan to get the water?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 2. Are you a patient person?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 3. Why is it sometimes difficult to be patient?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 4. What is the most difficult thing for you to wait for?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 5. When you show patience in a situation, does it usually have a good result?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class The Little Engine That Could
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 1. Why do you think the engine kept trying even though the task was difficult?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 2. What does it mean to have an “I Can” attitude?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 3. What usually happens when you think you can’t do something?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 4. What is something you have accomplished by believing that you could do it?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Questions 5. How can you encourage yourself when you’re given a tough situation or task?
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Complete 2 handouts -Tenacious Quotes -My personal patience rating
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny!!!
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class YES YOU CAN (verse 1) Listen, gather round I found something that you can use And if you listen, well, I’m here to tell you, you cannot lose A simple song, simple melody, to remind you that you can be The greatest ever, defeated never, even though sometimes you may lose
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Yes You Can Chorus Yes you can, you can do anything if you try, just try Yes you can, but you have to believe and rely on what you have inside You can make it through your trials, for your trials will just make you strong You can do anything, yes you can, oh
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Yes You Can Teach your children well, it’s time to tell them just who they are Train them as they go to let them know that they can go far Oh my brother why do you wait, tomorrow night just be too late For God gave the provision, made the decision, you can do all things through your faith
Mr. Anderson's Character Development Class Yes You Can (Vamp) I can, I can, I can, yes I can do anything No matter what if you can just conceive it, if you believe it, then you can achieve it.
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