Planning in Croydon South Croydon Community Association 19 September 2012 Cllr Jason Perry Cabinet Member for Planning, Regeneration & Transport
What is Planning? A quasi judicial process, controlled by policy. The management of change in the environment in the public interest through the functions of: Plan making Determining planning applications Building regulations Enforcement
Staff & workload Spatial Planning - 20 staff Planning policy, masterplans, public realm, borough characterisation & conservation of historic assets Development management – 47 staff Number of planning applications per annum – 3,200 Building Control - 20 staff Number of building regs applications per annum – 2,500
Planning Policy Hierarchy National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The London Plan Croydon Local Plan
Unitary Development Plan 2006 and in part being replaced by Croydon Local Plan (Core Strategy) Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 introducing a greater spatial emphasis in plan making (the Local Development Framework) to provide strategic overview and policy direction Strategic policies - Core Strategy covers employment, housing, education, borough character and other strategic issues and is currently at examination – adoption is anticipated 2013 Local policies – Joint DPD, SPD’s
Who can make a planning application? Land owners and prospective land owners serving notice on owners How can you respond? –Publicity by site notices –View the plans online or at Taberner House –Submit representations online or by letter How is it dealt with? –Decision by Planning Committee or by planning officers under delegated powers –Triggers: 12 letters of petition 20 signatures
Does the proposal comply with the Development Plan? YES Grant Permission Refuse only if planning harm can be demonstrated NO Grant only if a clear planning case can be made for departing from the Development Plan Refuse Permission Planning Applications - the key criteria
The 16 Places of Croydon Croydon is a borough made up of a series of varied and distinctive neighbourhoods and areas, which we call the ‘Places’. By understanding and expressing the character and what makes each place special and different, we involve local people in their area, so enabling us to plan sensitively. Based on communities not political or administrative boundaries
The Place of South Croydon
South Croydon Character Appraisal Predominant house type
South Croydon Character Appraisal Policy designation
South Croydon Character Appraisal Topography & views
South Croydon Character Appraisal Urban morphology
Specific policy areas affecting South Croydon Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) –PP not needed for up to 6 persons (Class C4) Care homes & care within dwelling houses –PP not needed for up to 6 including care (Class C3) Sub-division of single houses –Min. size 130m2 (policy H7 RUDP) –Min. space standards (policy 3.5 London Plan 2011) Residential extensions: SPD2 provides guidance
Enforcement Powers to investigate alleged breaches of planning Not complying with approved plans/ planning conditions Poorly maintained land and buildings (s215) Unauthorised buildings, uses and adverts Possible actions Retrospective planning applications Voluntary cessation of unauthorised developments Enforcement and other notices Prosecution for non-compliance with notices
Council Contacts Rory Macleod – Head of Development Management ext Gina Pink – Trees & Enforcement Manager ext Ric Patterson – Head of Building Control ext Tim Naylor – Head of Spatial Planning ext 62615