Welcome to the ‘Getting To Know Year 3’ Meeting! Please make sure you take a copy of the maths calculation handbook. Could we also ask you to tick your child’s name on the class list so we can send on copies to those who were unable to make the meeting tonight. Thank you!
Mrs Tighe, Monday, Tuesday, alternate Wednesdays Mrs Luscombe, Alternate Wednesdays, Thursday, Fridays Mrs Hurst Teaching assistant Mrs Kohler, HLTA – PPA release, Wednesday afternoon
Terminology Year Age by 31 st August “Reception” Foundation5 “Infants” Key Stage “Juniors” Key Stage
Statutory Assessments Baseline – end of Foundation Key Stage 1 – end of Year 2 Key Stage 2 – end of Year 6
Results at KS1 W 1 2c 2b 2a 3
Pomphlett expectations Year 11.81a Year 22.52b Year 32.82a Year 43.53b Year 53.83a Year 64.54b
Our Assessment Procedures Year 1 September entry Teacher assessments May/June end of Year Teacher Assessments Year 2 May/June KS1 SATS Reading Writing and Maths Year 3 October - February – Mock Optional SATs May – QCA optional SATS in Literacy and Numeracy Year 4 October - February – Mock Optional SATs May - QCA Optional SATS in Literacy and Numeracy Year 5 October - February – Mock Optional SATs May - QCA Optional SATS in Literacy and Numeracy Year 6 October - February – Mock Optional SATs Mock SATS during the year May – KS2 SATS in Literacy and Numeracy On going class assessments:Spellings Multiplication Tables Mental Maths Phonics
How to help Continue to listen to reading Be involved in homework Help with developing basic numeracy
Expectations and Daily Organisation
More emphasis on subjects – less play and discovery related activities Less activity time Different groupings for different subjects Learning partners Increased independence and responsibility - Personal organisation, books, bags, playground, homework, letters, behaviour (developing strategies to deal with different situations etc). Importance of water bottles (named and refilled daily) Break time snacks (healthy fruit / veg or similar) as no free fruit scheme in KS2 P.E. kits Homework and reading at home
Literac y
Introduction Primary National Strategy. Ability groups. Differentiated Objectives – WALTs Focus on pride in all written work Homework: ‘Big Write’ Tuesday. Daily reading for approx minutes. Daily Phonic session Spellings according to Phonic group
Reading Home reading books Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading Higher reading skills
Speaking and Listening Speaking to different audiences Vocabulary Learning partners Expressing ideas and reasoning
Writing Handwriting Spelling & phonic strategies Sentences and punctuation Vocabulary VCOP Big Write
Spelling Continuation of phonics with the emphasis on spelling in daily sessions Spelling input through Literacy session Correction of spellings appropriate to ability Correcting and testing of High Frequency words
Ability groups based on TA’s and SAT’s. Differentiated objectives (WALTs). Homework – 20 minutes per week & weekly times tables. Weekly Mental Maths Tests & times tables. Parental support at home – methods & strategies.
Additio n Rapid recall of addition facts, numbers up to 20. Big emphasis on mental methods & calculation strategies. Pencil and paper methods.
Subtraction Rapid recall of subtraction facts, numbers up to 20. Big emphasis on mental methods & calculation strategies. Pencil and paper methods.
Multiplication Know by heart multiplications facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 up to 10x. Mental methods through jottings. Pencil and paper strategies.
Division Differences between sharing and grouping. Mental Methods through jottings.
Other key areas within Maths Fractions of shapes and numbers – ½, ⅓, ¼, ¹/5, ¹/10. Time Money Problem Solving Symmetry and Right Angles Interpreting Data
Thank you for attending this afternoon; we hope it has been useful! We look forward to seeing you at the forthcoming parents’ evenings throughout the year.