REF 2014 Briefing Professor Edmund Burke Dr John Rogers May 2013
This briefing will cover: Quality standard set for inclusion in submissions Intended Units of Assessment Update on decision making process Most importantly, your questions
“The 2014 REF marks a key performance milestone for the University's overall Strategic Plan.”
Strategic Objectives for 2014 REF Upper quartile by overall quality rating Overall Grade Point Average of 2.85 or higher At least 20% 4*, 50% 3* and the remainder 2* Demonstrate research impact (20% of grade) Demonstrate research environment (15%) Critical mass: upper quartile by volume in many areas (at UoA level) Increase in SFC quality related funding
Upper quartile cut off Stirling 56 th (of 132); 23 rd of 33 in Q2 Second quartile cut off In the 2001 RAE, Stirling was 43 rd out of 136 HEIs and 9 th in the second quartile. In 2008…
Why quality matters: Exceptionally competitive operating environment Selective policy and funding focus on highest level of research excellence Reputation drives further success: –Staff and student recruitment –Investment from funders –Attraction of partners and collaborators –Global position and recognition
The importance of 4* in funding Scenario profiles WeightWeighted Average QualityWeightGrade Point Average Funding League Table 4* * * * Sum Sum / / Ratio Plus additional SFC funding for 4* only in …
Volume: 2008 RAE by UoA Unit of Assessment Cat A Submitted (FTE)MeanUpper Quartile Nursing & Midwifery Agriculture, Veterinary & Food Science Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences Computer Sciences & Informatics Business & Management Studies Law Politics & International Studies Social Work & Social Policy Psychology Education Sports-Related Studies English Language & Literature Philosophy History Communication, Cultural & Media Studies Overall
Quality and volume: How will the sector change? “Fears that historically low numbers of researchers will be submitted to the 2014 REF have abounded ever since the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills instructed the Higher Education Funding Council for England, at the end of 2010, to confine quality-related funding to ‘internationally excellent research’". Times Higher Education, 20 Sept 2012
Key decisions Senior Management Team considered at length during February residential meeting Unanimous view to focus on quality profile and reputation Critical mass in all UoAs submitted to also important Decisions by University Strategy and Policy Group (USPG)
Output quality: The quality of the portfolio of research outputs presented by a member of eligible staff in order to meet the standard required for inclusion in a REF 2014 submission is a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher.
Units of Assessment NumberTitle A3Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy A4Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience A6Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science B7Earth Systems and Environmental Science B11Computer Science and Informatics C19Business and Management Studies C20Law C22Social Work and Social Policy C25Education C26Sports and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and Tourism D29English Language and Literature D30History D32Philosophy D36Communication, Cultural and Media Studies And possibly C17Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology C21Politics and International Studies
Decision Making Process For inclusion of eligible staff in submissions: –Governed by Court approved Code of Practice –REF Assessment Committee makes recommendations to the Principal –Decisions made by Principal, advised by USPG –All decisions must be made by 15 November –In practice, most will be taken earlier
Decision Making Process To optimise the submissions made by the University –Led by Deputy Principal for Research –Informed by research reviews –Ongoing discussion with Heads of School –Regular discussion by USPG –Final decisions by Principal, advised by USPG
Current progress Additional research reviews, following on from 2012 exercise, underway Initial consideration of all eligible staff by REF Assessment Committee undertaken (April) No recommendations made yet, in order to ensure best possible information is available to support the decision-making process Update provided by to all academic staff on 14 May
Further information Individual communication with academic staff as process continues Full REF information via staff portal (under both Working at Stirling and Research tabs) Helpline: Questions?