How to figure out if a scripture is figurative Tip #1 It is figurative if literal interpretation would be absurd
Review pt one SIMILe Metaphor Allegory Metonomy Tip #1 It is figurative if literal interpretation would be absurd
A. Mt. 5:13-16 Christians literally salt & light? Matthew 5:13-16 Ye are the salt of the earth:… (14) Ye are the light of the world… B. Are Scribes & Pharisees serpents? Matthew 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
How to figure out if a scripture is figurative Tip #2 It is figurative if writer says it has different meaning?
* Mt. 13:3-8, parable of soils-lesson in agriculture? * Rev. 1:20 seven lampstands are the seven churches * Lk. 20:9-19 tenant of vineyard--another meaning? * Mt. 2:16-18 Rachel weeping for her children?
Simile A. A comparison in which one thing is likened to another the words 'as or like" are usually used. B. Acts 2:2-3 "sound as of" "tongues like as of fire" C. Matthew 23:27 "like whited sepulchres"
Metaphor –A. A comparison without the "as/like" signs. It says one thing "is“ another. B. Luke 13:31-32 "Herod...that fox" C. Matthew 26:26-28 "this is my blood" D. John 6:35 "I am...bread". 8:12 "I am...light". 15:1 “I am …vine"
Allegory A. A figurative discourse in which the principle subject is described by another subject resembling it in its properties And/or circumstances. B. Galatians 4:21-31 children of handmaid and freewoman C. Ephesians 6:11-17 the armor of God
Metonymy A. Exchanging the name of one thing for another because of some relation between them. B. Container for contents I Cor. 11:26 "drink the cup" C. Author for writings Lk. 16:29 "they have Moses & prophets" D. Mouth for words Deut. 17:6 "at the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses"
Synecdoche Part is used for the whole or the whole is used for a part. A. Lk. 2:1 all the world probably meant the roman empire B. Gen. 3:19 sweat of. brow meant the body, bread meant food C. Mt. 27:4 innocent blood meant Jesus the whole person
Irony What is stated is the opposite of what is expected. A. I Cor. 14:38 if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant B. I Cor. 4:10 we are fools you are wise, we are weak you strong
Sarcasm A satirical remark said in scorn or contempt A. Mt. 27:29 hail king of the Jews B. Jn. 1:46 can anything good come out of Nazareth
Hyperbole An exaggeration or magnifying something beyond reality. A. Jer. 9:1 "O that my head were waters and my eyes a fountain of Tears. That I might weep day and night B. Num. 13:33 "we were like grasshoppers in their sight"
Review pt two Synecdoche Irony Sarcasm Hyperbole Tip #2 It is figurative if a Bible writer says it has a different meaning.
How to figure out if a scripture is figurative Tip #3 Figurative if other Bible writers interpret figuratively
A. John or Elijah - Malachi 4:5 and Matthew 17:10-13 B. David or Jesus - Psalms 16:8-11 and Acts 2:25-36
Personification Gives inanimate objects, and abstract ideas the attributes of life. A. Num. 16:32 "the earth opened her mouth." B. Isa 55:12 "the hills shall break forth with singing."
Riddle An analogy given as a puzzle to unravel it will produce some truth. A. Judges 14:14 "out of the eater came something to eat and out of The strong came something sweet." B. Eze. 17:1-21 'propound a riddle, & speak a parable..."
Paronomasia A play on words. Repetition of words with variation in the sense. A. Mt. 8:22 “let the dead bury the dead” B. Micah 2:1-3 “Woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil” “thus saith Jehovah: Behold, against this family do I devise an evil”
Anthropomorphism Ascribing human features or elements of the human form to God. A. I Pet. 3:12 eyes, ears and face of God. B. Acts 13:22 a man after mine own heart,
Review pt three Personification Riddle Paronomasia Anthropomorphism Tip #3 Figurative if other Bible writers interpret it figuratively.
Review pt FOUR Paradox Contrast Comparison Parable Tip #4 It is figurative if it makes a contradiction in itself.
How to figure out if a scripture is figurative Tip #4 It is figurative if it makes a contradiction in itself.
*Isa. 11:6 & 35:9 lions or no lions? * Mt. 1:21-25 Jesus or Immanuel? * I Cor. 11:24, 27 body of Jesus or bread? * II Cor. 5:1 & Heb. 3:4 a house not built with hands?
Paradox Opposites are seemingly affirmed of one and the same subject. A. Mt. 10:39 "he who finds his life will lose it" B. II Cor. 12:10 "when I am weak then am I strong"
Contrast Pointing out differences of otherwise like things. A. Pro. 11:1 "a false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight B. Pro. 15:1 a gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word Stirs up anger.
Comparison Pointing out likenesses of otherwise different things A. Psa. 84:10 "a day... is better than a thousand... B. Pro. 22:1 a good name is to be more desired than great riches, Favor is better than silver and gold.
Parable A story by which something real in life is used as a means of presenting a spiritual or moral thought. A. Mt. 13:45-46 kingdom & pearl of great price B. Lk. 8:9-15 the sower & the soils
How to figure out if a scripture is figurative Tip #5 Figurative if it contradicts other plain Bible teaching.
*Drink blood or not? - Matt. 26:28 and Acts 15:29 *One resurrection or more? - Rev. 20:5 *Does God have a face? - Gen. 32:30; Jn. 4:24; Lk. 24:39 *John a roadbuilder or a preacher? Isa. 40:34 & Lk. 3:2-5
Prolepsis An anticipation or describing of something before it takes place. Gen. 12:8 Bethel referred to before it became Bethel Gen. 28:19
Apostrophe The writer or speaker directly addresses the object of his discourse. Psa. 114:3-6 What ails you. O Sea. That you flee? O Jordan that you turn back? O mountains. That You skip like rams? O hills. Like lambs.
Symbol An emblem as a sign of something. I Cor. 1:18 the cross Rev. 1:20 seven lampstands
Type A shadow of a future reality (anti-type). Rom. 5:12-21 Adam a type of Christ I Cor. 10:1-13 Israel in wilderness and the church Heb. 4:14; 9:12 Melchizedek and Christ
Phenomenal Descriptions of events in common speech that is technically inaccurate. Mat. 13:6 And when the sun was up Rev. 7:1 four corners & four winds of the earth Acts 13:47 ends of the earth.