Karen Netterville CTAP the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the other.
Writing Unit Overview Book: Grandfather’s Journey Author: Allen Say ELD Levels: II/III Style: Firsthand Biographical Essay A compelling reminiscence of his grandfather’s life in America and Japan, Say delivers a poignant account of his family’s cross- cultural experience.
ELD Standards for Unit ***Standards are for Early Intermediate Level Students.*** Listening & Speaking Comprehension:1.3 Restate and execute multistep oral directions. Reading:Word Analysis Concepts about Print, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary & Concept Development for Early Intermediate students. –1.1 Produce most English phonemes comprehensibly, while orally reading their own writing, simple sentences or texts. Reading:Fluency & Systematic Vocabulary Development –1.8 Use a dictionary to derive meaning of unknown vocabulary. Reading:Reading Comprehension & Analysis of Appropriate Text –1.1 Orally identify main ideas and some details of familiar literature and informational materials/public documents(e.g., newspaper, brochures,etc.) using key words or phrases. Writing: Strategies & Applications, Organization & Focus, Evaluation & Revision –1.1 From a given topic, use the writing process to write sentences and short paragraphs with supporting details. There may be some inconsistent use of standard grammatical forms.
INTO PRE TEST- Funbrain.com ORIGAMI - Read instructions and give directions other students to make a paper crane. MAP- Locate Red Bluff and Japan and guessestimate distance in miles. CALCULATE - Use web site to calculate distance and compare with their guessestimate.
Vocabulary: 15 Fill-in Sentences
Pre and Post Test Results for Grandfather’s Journey PRE TEST SCORES POST TEST SCORES
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