RAYNET Using the Message Pad Presentation originally designed by Tony Woollard, Somerset Raynet. Edited & updated by Ian Harley, West Devon Raynet & Deputy Coordinator SW Raynet (West)
The Blank Form Unique message ref……… How urgent …………… Who sent the message….. Who is it for……………….. Any special instructions or Copies to anyone…………. The actual message………… Who sent it…………………… Who received the message When and how………………. ….…..Exercise or Incident name.....Date and time message written ……Who checked or authorised the message Who sent the message, …………………………When and how The Basic Message Pad used by all Raynet, LA EPO’s and the ‘Blue Light Services’
Message Number Insert message serial number… This will normally be given by the “user service” and start at 0001 for the first incident message. The message serial should be pre-fixed by the Location Code to identify it in the master log The Plymouth Location Code is PLY So first message from Plymouth will be PLY0001. This is saved as PLY0001.txt Each EOC or rest centre/site will have its own code PLY0012
Main Location Codes EOC Codes…Local Site Codes… PlymouthPLYPlymouth Rest CentrePRC Tavistock TAVCrownhill PoliceCHP ExeterEXEDerriford HospitalDFH TruroTRU DorchesterDOR Saved as:- PLY0001.txt, TAV0001.txtPRC0001.tx, CHP0001.txt And so on… A local location site code may be any specified by the user but ideally needs to be unique and readily identifiable. (…& non-insulting !)
Exercise Name Add exercise name – if relevant. This will normally be set by user or controller.
Precedence Circle required / strike out rest If pre-printed on form use circle/strike out method. If not pre-printed write in precedence Select only ONE box When sending message precedence means that the order messages are sent MUST BE:- ROUTINE – any time within next 24hrs as can be sent i.e. Send more paper clips. PRIORITY – as soon as possible, and prior to any ROUTINE traffic but after IMMEDIATE traffic. i.e. Ambulance to Rest Centre. IMMEDIATE or FLASH – send NOW! i.e. Clear the building fire has broken out.
Date/Time Add date time message originated by user in format ddHHMM Add month at end If incident/exercise crosses months DTG is always in the format ddHHMM Day,Hour,Minutes, always 6 digits and in 24hr format. As all messages are generated in local time it is not necessary to add an A for local or Z for UTC I.e Means 1’ of the 10:11am local time Z - Means 15’ of the 11:12pm Zulu (UTC) time If across MONTHS JAN - Means originated at 11:58pm on 31 January The Send/received time may well be something like FEB ( 1’ 00:05am)
From Who wrote or drafted the message…
TO Who is the Message for at the far end…
INFO Any specific forwarding instructions or general info for the receiving person(s) to deal with. I.e. From: EPO To: Rest Centre Manager Info: BRC Bronze SJA Bronze
MESSAGE This will normally be filled in by originator and MUST be sent EXACTLY as it is written. Remember to spell unusual words, & send numbers individually… “I spell …..” or “ Figures …..” I.e. 2 x Cas, 1 x hypoglycaemia Require supply of Insn A30884-a Changing one or two letters we could get… 2 x Cas, 1 x hyperglycaemia Require supply of Insn A30384-a Two different medical conditions with two very different treatments, getting it wrong can be life threatening!
Originator Who wrote the message … normally done by user service
Released Name of person writing the message or authorising it.. For user service
Received Normally RAYNET USE… Callsign of station receiving message May not always be an operators callsign but a location callsign i.e. we often use G4WDR as group callsign but can be several different operators on a long duty in which case the operator will need to add their initials to the [c/s / initials box.] G4ABC
DTG DTG is always in the format ddHHMM [always 6 digits and in 24hr format] I.e Means 1’ of the 10:11am Means 15’ of the 11:12pm If across MONTHS JAN - Means received at 11:58pm on 31 January G4ABC
Method How the message was received … Voice / packet / data file / SSTV/ DV / telephone etc Voice G4ABC
TX Normally for RAYNET USE Callsign of station transmitting the message May not always be an operators callsign but a location callsign i.e. we often use G4WDR as group callsign but there can be several different operators on a long duty in which case the operator will need to add their initials to the [c/s initials box.] M0XYZ
DTG DTG is always in the format ddHHMM [always 6 digits and in 24hr format] I.e Means 1’ of the 10:11am Means 15’ of the 11:12pm If across MONTHS JAN - Means sent at 11:58pm on 31 January M0XYZ
Method How the message was sent … Voice / packet / data file / SSTV/ DV / telephone etc Voice M0XYZ
Example of a Completed Form Note: Only either the Received or Transmitted boxes would be completed, depending on whether you are receiving or sending the message. Strike through the un-used side to make it easier to see if it’s an incoming or outgoing message. I M Him Somerset Main A N Other Devon CC B A Friend BRC Bronze U R D’Eath SJA Bronze A Copper D&C Police I M Him G4ABC M0XYZ