Writing Talks Demo/Explo
Why Writing Talks? I realized in my classroom that Number Talks happen so fluidly and authentically. So it made me ask the question why my peer conferencing or reading talks never happened so flawlessly. Thus, Writing Talks was born. I know how to make math talk happen in my classroom, but I wanted to know how to make talking about writing just as seamless and purposeful.
What is a Number Talk? “Children develop computational fluency while thinking and reasoning like mathematicians. Children are asked to make connections and look for relationships and thus are engaged in "doing mathematics." When they share their strategies with others, they learn to clarify and express their thinking, thereby developing mathematical language. This in turn serves them well when they are asked to express their mathematical processes in writing.” Number Talks are a large or small group meeting where the teacher poses intentionally selected problems for students to solve. They are short, ongoing conversations where children are encouraged to add, subtract, multiply and divide in ways that are meaningful to them, rather than following procedures that are not. Math Perspectives on Number Talks
Journal With the information that has been given what do you think a number talk will look like in the classroom? ● Write for about 5 minutes. ● Share out at your table ● One person from each table tell me what your table came up with.
Number Talk Format 1.Teacher presents problem 2.Give class or student think time to solve 3.Call on a few students to share answers 4.Call on a few students to share thinking ● Students explain each others thinking 1.Students decide what the real answer is
Why Number Talks are successful... ● Provides a safe environment, it’s okay to get the answer wrong because you will learn possibly what you did wrong ● Problems of various levels of difficulty that can be solved in a variety of ways ● Concrete models ● Opportunities to think first and then check ● Interaction ● Student driven ● Self-correction
The Teacher... ● Provides a safe environment where each child’s thinking is valued. ● Selects groups or strings of problems that allow access to all children. ● Selects problems that intentionally highlight mathematical concepts. ● Values everyone’s thinking, focusing on how children get their answers. ● Provides adequate wait time. ● Shifts the focus from, “See what I see,” to “What do YOU (the child) see?” ● Records, clarifies, restates. ● Realizes that it if the children don’t get it, then it is the teacher’s responsibility to figure out their misconceptions or lack of proficiency and to begin instruction at that point.
Questions the Teacher Asks... ● Who would like to share their thinking? ● Who did it another way? ● How many people solved it the same way as Billy ● Does anyone have any questions for Billy? ● Billy, can you tell us where you got that 5? ● How did you figure that out? ● What was the first thing your eyes saw, or your brain did? ● Can you explain your thinking here…?
A Key Detail Before the number talk happens the teacher models number talks and the format. As a class we created a chart together of signals we use during the number talk. We also created a chart that we used to have conversations with one another about numbers.
A Number Talk
Let’s give it a go... Let’s do a number talk together!!!
Another way to Number Talk After teaching a skill (let’s say doubles) I would have the students number talk with each other after I taught the skill in a brief whole group lesson. ● mini lesson ● students pair up ● give them a problem on the board ● students number talk through the problem ● have students have the dialogue ● have a few students share out how they did it whole group
Journal For 5-7 minutes I want you to think over our number talk and the example I showed and answer the following questions: ● Why is it beneficial in the classroom? ● Why is this best practice? ● Why do you think students like this?
Why Writing Talks? “Talk becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify their own understanding, and make their ideas comprehensible to their partners. It is during collaborative tasks that students must use academic language if they are to focus on the content. Here again, their understanding grows as they talk with their partners to reflect on their learning.” The important thing to remember is that this talk has to be purposeful; it can't just be social if we are going to see improvements in achievement. Douglas Fisher - Content Area Conversations
What is a Writing Talk? A purposeful conversation that uses specific academic language. Where students develop a writer’s vocabulary while thinking and reasoning through a piece like a writer. Children are asked to share their reasonings for using strategies with others, they learn to clarify and express their thinking and process, thereby developing writing language. Writing Talks are a large or small group meeting where the teacher conducts a mini lesson which poses intentionally selected skills or processes for students to use in their writing. They are short, continuous conversations where children are encouraged to use the skills that are meaningful to them, rather than following procedures or processes that are not. This can also happen as a stand alone writing talk. It does not have to focus around a mini lesson that students use skills and writing vocabulary to explain any part of their writing piece as a writer.
Journal With the information that has been given what do you think a writing talk will look like in the classroom? ● Write for about 5 minutes ● Share out at your table ● One person from your table share out what your table came up with.
Writing Talk Format 1.Teacher asks students to freewrite about a selected topic (sort of a writing into the day) 2.Teacher presents skill in a mini lesson 3.Give class or student think time to apply skill to their piece(either to their piece with the intention of partner writing talks or with my piece or a volunteers as a whole group) 4.Pair students to share their changes based on mini lesson (or students apply changes to my piece in a whole group setting (having to explain why they are doing it). 5.Call on a few students to share thinking ● Students explain each others thinking
Writing Talks Anchor Chart Thinking about the anchor chart for number talks help our class to create a writing talks anchor chart. This is important because I have my students help create the charts with me. It allows them input into the questions they are asking one another. Take 3 minutes to write down some ideas for the writing talks anchor charts!
A Key Detail Before the writing talk can ever happen the teacher models writing talks and the format. As a class we are going to create the first ever writing talks anchor chart together of signals (if we need those) to use during the writing talk. We also will create a chart that we will use to have (safe) academic centered conversations with one another about writing. I am having you guys help because I would ask my students for their input as well! We would create the chart together.
Writing Talks Anchor Chart Ideas ★ I agree/disagree with_________ because… ★ I see that you’ve added/changed ________ why? ★ I wonder what you are trying to say here by saying __________? ★ I think you are trying to ____________ ★ I noticed that… ★ I can make a connection to that because… ★ Do you think that_______? ★ I was confused when... ★ I’d like to add ________ if that’s okay? ★ I’d like to suggest _________ ★ What do you mean here?/Did you mean? ★ Or maybe...
Why Writing Talks are successful... ● Provides a safe environment, it’s okay to have someone correct your work or agree or disagree with your choices ● Various levels of skills that can be applied in a variety of ways ● Students bring a variety of skill levels to the talk ● Opportunities to think first and then check ● Interaction ● Student driven ● Self-correction
The Teacher... ● Provides a safe environment where each child’s thinking is valued. ● Selects skills that intentionally highlight a writing concept. ● Values everyone’s thinking, focusing on how children applied the skills to their writing. ● Provides adequate wait time. ● Shifts the focus from, “See what I see,” to “What do YOU (the child) see?” ● Records, clarifies, restates. ● Realizes that it if the children don’t get it, then it is the teacher’s responsibility to figure out their misconceptions or lack of proficiency and to begin instruction at that point.
Questions the Teacher Asks... ● Who would like to share their thinking? ● Someone share a change they made? ● Would someone like to tell me why they think Billy made this change? ● Does anyone have any questions for Billy? ● Billy, can you tell us why you did this...? ● What changes did you make? ● Why was this meaningful here ______? ● What was the first thing your eyes saw, or your brain did? ● Can you explain your thinking here…?
Let’s Give it a Go!!! I want everyone to take 5-7 minutes and write about the ocean. It can be an experience being at the ocean, a fiction piece, a narrative, a poem. I give you freedom to write about the ocean.
Mini-lesson: Tone in a piece Tone: The Author’s Attitude expressed in words. Tone can be creepy, mysterious, suspenseful, romantic, humorous, and joyous. These are just a few examples of tone.
The Toughest Cowboy: Or How the Wild West was Tamed By: John Frank Grizz Brickbottom was the toughest cowboy to ever drive a herd of cattle across the open range. He drank a quart of Tabasco sauce a day, flossed his teeth with barbed wire, and kept a rattlesnake in his bedroll to cool his feet at night. Grizz was so tough he could grind a branding iron into a belt buckle--with the stubble on his chin. camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN= &linkCode=as2&tag =teawitkidsboo-20
What tones were conveyed? At the beginning the tone feels how?: ● It feels tough ● You wouldn’t want to come in contact with him ● Humorous When you read on the tone shifts a bit. What is tone like on the following page? ● Longing ● Sad ● Romantic
You try... Now look back at your piece you wrote about the ocean. I want you to write yourself a note at the top about what type of tone you want the piece to convey. Then I want you to read over your piece and make the necessary changes to convey that tone. You can make other changes to the piece that aren’t about tone, but be prepared to discuss why you made those change. Take 5-7 minutes to make some changes to your piece.
Whole Group Writing Talk/Demonstrating How to Let’s take a look at my piece and try a writing talk before we do one with partners. I want you to use the writing talks chart to talk with me about my piece. I want to make sure that our conversation includes the mention of tone in writing since that was our focus for this mini lesson.
Writing Talk Pairs I want you to have a similar writing talk with a partner. Again, using the chart to guide the talk. Also, make sure to include tone somewhere in the conversation. If you are paired with a girl, ladies share their piece first. If not, play Rock Paper Scissors to see who goes first. The person sharing their piece will read it aloud to their partner. Then you will have 2 minutes to have a writing talk about their piece. Then you will switch, the other person will read their piece and then you will have 2 minutes to have a writing talk about their piece.
Share Aloud I want a few volunteers to share out some of their thinking or some of the conversation your partner had. The rest of the class… I want you to listen and see if you can get ideas for your writing from your peers. See if any of their skills can be used in your work. We know that when we talk about what we do it means that we have made it easier for us to understand and repeat!
Extend I have lots of questions because I have never done this before and there isn’t a lot of research that backs-up purposeful writing talks. So I would love feedback of any kind!!! Some questions you can address for me are: ● Would students find this useful? ● Is it meaningful? ● Will there be student buy in? ● How can this go beyond just writing and math? ● What went well? ● What needs more work? ● How can I make it more simple? ● How can I clear ______ up more?